Reviews for Enlightenment
CaptainIronHawkVision chapter 21 . 3/9
I really, really like this story, except for Chapter 21. As someone who grew up in Houston, TX, I have to say that I feel the way the whole "Texas BBQ" thing is depicted is extremely offensive. I'm sure it wasn't meant that way, but seriously... could you drum up more (absolutely incorrect) stereotypes?

Maybe some of what you wrote is correct in dinky little towns, but in the major cities, nothing related to Texas here is remotely accurate. It just relies on ridiculous ideas created by Hollywood.

I apologize if I seem really irate, but I'm tired of people constantly having a completely backwards idea of Texas.
gngoa chapter 22 . 8/7/2019
I don't even know if you will get this as I am so late to your party. Found your stories via recommendation from another author of Castle fanfic that I follow. I just wanted to tell you that I love your work, this and the M appendage, and will keep on reading. Thank you for sharing.
saramalley chapter 10 . 8/6/2018
I loved this chapter I hope there is more interaction between this two
neversoonenough chapter 11 . 6/2/2018
I read this story when it was first published, and I really loved it. A few days ago, a Stana fan on Twitter asked for recommendations of "old" fan fics that she could read while she recovred from surgery, I think. This immediately came to mind. I found it again and have been wallowing once again in how much I adore it. Everything about it. The lingerie is such an added bonus to the nuances of the story, and I wish I could find a sweet little shop like Dora's. And Dora herself. It's a timeless Kate & Rick tale that every fan should have the privilege of devouring. Well done.
CKL chapter 21 . 5/16/2017
This is the second reading for me. Enjoyed it just as much. Great story and wonderful writing!
InkyCoffee chapter 21 . 10/15/2015
Reviewing here because it feels like the right place. I've been having a fairly rubbish couple of days and needed a pick-me-up, and I realised I haven't re-read this since... well, well before we were friends, and probably since before I was really writing. Point is, it's been a while, and although I remember it being good, I'd forgotten just how delightful this universe is. It completely took me out of myself, and reminded me why I love fic in general and your words specifically. Thank you for writing Dora. I needed to read her today.
You're amazing. *HUGS YOU!*

MirandaJayne chapter 10 . 7/27/2015
It's getting hard not to reread this with a cheesy grin on my face!
MirandaJayne chapter 7 . 7/25/2015
Rereading, reminding myself how much I loved Dora's brain washing, mind control underwear...
Guest chapter 11 . 6/11/2015
Wilker39 chapter 15 . 3/7/2015
Still hanging with this smart writer from the East!
Wilker39 chapter 12 . 3/7/2015
I loved the "Page two" remark!
Abbey chapter 2 . 2/20/2015
Alright, so I've been reading through your stories lately, and I've just started this one. I'm not going to review after every chapter, but I had to pause here to leave you a few words. I'm excited to see where the premise of "Kate needs new lingerie" heads for the next 21 chapters. Also, I really love Dora and her boutique, I'm glad Kate found where can I find my own Dora?!
Guest chapter 21 . 1/27/2015
Im loving this story. I love all the shopping trips to doras. I like dora. But this chapter Is my favorite. Im a big cowgirl at heart. I love country music and I can two step/ line dance. If I could I would wear cowgirl style every day.
BigKahuna chapter 4 . 1/13/2015
Always thought Rick would have figured things out by the time Beckett began to have PTSD flashbacks, no reason for her to have them without all of the shooting memories. And I never thought Rick hiding Mr. Smith from Beckett was a problem, so it's good to see a version of Beckett with the understanding to realize that she couldn't have handled the knowledge of him very much sooner than now.

Beckett "I went to her store" gotta give Rick some ideas (waggles eyebrows)
BigKahuna chapter 3 . 1/13/2015
great stuff with Rick's discussion on his meetings. Alexis inviting her to dinner, nice touch. Surprised Rick didn't do more when she kissed his cheek.
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