Reviews for Sins of the father
Guest chapter 24 . 12/7/2014
Babydoll85 chapter 24 . 4/3/2013
That end was dead cheeky and I loved it. I wish you'd write sex scenes...haha. I thought he was going to propose not asked to be tied to the blessed chapter,good to see Brendan standing up to Cheryl and telling her what for (about time), and install don't like Cheryl. Can't believe Brady is still alive,he's like a toad with nine lives,someone ought to induce a slow heart attack,I can't see him not wanting revenge on Ste for destroying the family... Let's read on
Babydoll85 chapter 23 . 4/3/2013
I dont like Cheryl...end of...
Babydoll85 chapter 22 . 4/3/2013
Wow this has been so good. The scenes in the warehouse were thrilling.i panicked for a bit when it seemed Brendan had chosen Brady to save and hearing poor Stes Nnooo nnoooos,but again it was a double bluff. I wish Michael could of suffered a bit more though.
The scenes with the kids and Brendan and ste outdoors on the day trip were good,I liked Stes confusion on wether to get back with him or not and then just talking. Don't want this to end.
Babydoll85 chapter 17 . 4/2/2013
I'm applauding Declan right now and you also. Thank god theres 1voice of reason. God bless him? Amazing hiw authoritive Brendan is and perceptive except when it comes his dan and Steven... When will he learn? Stay tuned haha..
Babydoll85 chapter 14 . 4/2/2013
And within one chapter I'm all a drool over Brendan,how the hell does he do it? Well actually That would be you Miss Violinist. Haha.
How brave of Ste to go to the house of THAT MAN! What's gonna happen ...
Babydoll85 chapter 10 . 4/2/2013
This is getting proper action mode and I'm loving it but ooh errr Stes dumped part of his drink into Michaels glass,what'll happen?
Babydoll85 chapter 8 . 4/2/2013
Ooohh twist... I can kinda understand the title of this now in many different ways. Poor Ste,destined to have assholes as BF,I don't mean Brendan of course,he's his soulmate,even though he's acting like a bit of a dick at the mo. But he deserves a little happiness. But what the hey!i love me some angst.
Babydoll85 chapter 6 . 4/2/2013
Now I'm left a little confused...Michael seemed like an alright bloke until this chapter,now i can't tell! Interesting,need to sleep but can't stop reading-haha
Babydoll85 chapter 5 . 4/2/2013
My god,at the moment Brendan is a right price of work,the nerve of that sexy man! I mean,has he learned nothing. The audacity to act like that with Ste and dismiss what has happened between Brady and Ste is ludicrous. Gah!
I was very proud of Ste in this chapter,he proved himself and stayed strong. Good for him.
Babydoll85 chapter 2 . 4/2/2013
This chapter was really good. Yes I am a big Brendan Brady lover but I can even admit when he acts like a twat!and acting as if nothing happened and telling Ste it's only a matter of time is so vile. Yes you belong together but please just own up to when your wrong and hurt someone don't just force it. Glad ste pushed him off and I think it was very smart to have a scene written where, once Brendan kissed him,ste went back to the dark when Brady kissed him,it's very normal and realistic,that was pretty traumatic and he is the father so the kiss would kind of remind him of his dad,very good writing.
Babydoll85 chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
What a dog! I think we all know who I'm talkinga bout. And never thought I'd have so much pleasure in reading Brendan Brady being mad and trashing everything in his path,that was BEAUTIFUL.
Tracy79 chapter 24 . 3/14/2013
OMG! I LOVE this trilogy you are writing! Taken me 3 days of almost non-stop reading to read the first 2- I just can't stop- and now I'm gonna start the third!
Guest chapter 24 . 12/31/2012
Just a fantastic story! Gonna go read the 3rd part to this now.
chenee2012 chapter 24 . 11/10/2012
i FRICKING love this story! my good gracious god this was good!
excellent writing!
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