Reviews for A Strange Kind of Happiness
sparly503 chapter 1 . 1/29/2012
I don't know why I haven't read your stuff before, I've been seriously missing out. This story is just brilliant. It just seems to flow so perfectly and it's officially my new headcanon of their relationship. The line "oh, his gloriously brilliant and glittering mind, like a shattered wineglass, thin and sharp and delicate and dripping red liquid" is breathtaking. I literally sat there for a while after reading it and wondered if there was any possible way for me to steal it and make it mine because I want it so badly, I like it so much.

You, I'm not ashamed to say, are brilliant. Such a powerful piece in so few words.

I love it.
dellums chapter 1 . 1/24/2012
I really love these Sebastian/Jim fics you're writing ; w ; They're quite adorable. Keep up the beautiful work, okay? :D
The Awesome Meerkat chapter 1 . 1/23/2012
This was just as brilliant the second time I read it :D You should post everything you wrote for the kink meme up here.