Reviews for On My Heart
Meddlesome Guy chapter 1 . 3/15/2018
I just noticed that in your stories you have this guilty pleasure of having Ichigo paired to a "used good" Rukia. Realistic maybe, but this is fanfiction so it's kinda odd.

Or maybe it's just me being annoyed for lack of Ichiruki lemon on your "Something New". I mean come on Grimmjow had his share but our hero got none, life's not fair :D
crystal789 chapter 34 . 7/9/2017
Thank you for this beautiful story:)
BinaLove chapter 34 . 9/2/2016
1673/10 love the byasenna plot twist.
darkladygirl chapter 11 . 3/12/2016
Yeah! Cry Rukia, cry. I want to see her alone and crying while the rest of the characters go on with their lifes.
Whut? The character inspires me those feelings, I can't help it, but don't get me wrong, I really like Rukia in the manga, the one I hate is in this story.
darkladygirl chapter 8 . 3/12/2016
Love the drama? I love it too, but not this one who appears by crificing the characters. As the story progreses, Rukia is less and less likeable, ske is contradicting, selfish and crazy (I want Mamoru to meet his father! But if things go differently than expected, not that I though this through, you know I am an Idiot, then I am gonna flp out and drag my son out of tha house I TOOK HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE.) . Kissing a guy who have feelings for you to confort him?Are you serious? Being sincere and not giving him false hopes wuold be more mature, less idiotic and more compasionatw. You are developing Rukia into an horrible character. Seeing this make fear the character "development" of the rest of the characters.
Guest chapter 28 . 1/17/2016
What The Fuck, Are You Fucking Insane Penny1990. What Do You Mean Other MenĀ”!?
Guest chapter 8 . 4/10/2015
Ok this chapter is like wow and I think you are a really good writer and I couldn't have done a better job myself
Guest chapter 7 . 4/10/2015
Why can't mamoru see his father that much?
Guest chapter 6 . 4/10/2015
Well I think rukia is really scared of byakuya and she should try to speak to him
Senna chapter 34 . 2/22/2015
Omg ! My fav character is senna and I love byakuya and uqluiorra please put more byakuya and senna if you do a sequel although I thought she was gonna go with ulquiorra !
Tori chapter 27 . 10/9/2014
I know this story is finished and what I say won't make a difference, but this chapter really left an impression on me. Unfortunately not a great one. I've been reading this story for about two hours straight and overall I'm enjoying it. It can some times be a bit over the top, and there may be some out of character tendencies, but it's always been an interesting plot and I really do love how real you portray the characters reactions and feelings. But this chapter in which Rukia and Kaien resolve their issues didn't feel right to me. Despite the fact that I agree, it was high time the two found some kind of neutral ground, the scene felt incredibly forced and disturbingly lacking. I don't buy that things are alright with them. Their easy banter and even EASIER agreement leaves my stomach unsettled. Rukia has no reason to even take counsel in Kaien's words. Kaien shows that he is still the disgusting over confident pig he was when he started the affair years ago. He doesn't try to understand Rukia. He thinks he knows Ichigo. He says what he's expected to say, laughs about his inappropriate jokes, and Rukia is still stupidly eating everything up because, of course, everyone around her is always looking out for her best interests (sarcasm). Kaien bases everything on his and Miyako's (failing) relationship. His and Rukia's DISASTROUS affair. It's great that he is genuinely trying to be a good father, but he has hardly shown adequate remorse and transformation for the things he's done. Despite praising your knack for making situations real, this resolution between the two was uncomfortably easy. It is just my opinion of course, but it would have been a hundred times more believable if Kaien had just expressed his sorry for her situation and hugged her. If he didn't bring Ichigo up for comparison and just told her how ashamed and sorry he was that she had to go through the same pain again. If he just let her be angry and scream at him and was able to prove that despite so, he wasn't gonna leave the mother of his son hanging by just being there now, when he wasn't five years before. He should've just offered his support, said sorry, and been that shaky shoulder to cry on. And Rukia agreeing to be his friend, all smiles and lunch invitations included, is asking a bit much.
JesBlu chapter 34 . 9/23/2014
This story was one of the best IchiRuki stories I have ever read. You got me hooked on IchiRuki after love is a journey and I couldn't stop reading your story's :D please make more!
Guest chapter 34 . 7/29/2014
I'm sooooo happy you finished the story. If you do end up writing the sequel could you go into more detail about the death of Kaien because I was curious as to what exactly happened.
lonely flame chapter 34 . 7/9/2014
wow...that was a roller coaster story. First thank you for the wonderful story. I loved that you gave everything closure in the end. it was really wonderful, although I believe Rukia would make those decisions, I don't think it would be because she's pregnant. sorry but that's the part I didn't like. women are not actually that emotional. they are a little, but not that much. but all in all it was a wonderful story but it was sad that you offed the Shibas. I know why u did it but still. anyways thanks again for such a beautiful story.
yuiyuki chapter 34 . 6/29/2014
BEST FANFICT EVA! Although there's just tiny flaw..why Byakuya with senna...? Well overall it was sugoi!
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