Reviews for The One Eyed Bandit
TheSenjuMan chapter 1 . 6/1
I...don't know about this story. On one hand, I can see how it can be funny. However, this also proves that deep down, Raven doesn't really respect Garfield. She seems to view him the way you'd view a child: as if he's inherently impressionable or weak-minded.
derekctomlinson chapter 1 . 3/14
raven smirking at her husband garfield mark logan my nickname for you is mine
derek chapter 1 . 7/25/2019
garfield saying to raven I love being your beast boy
MRAY 4TW chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
Oh, the one-eyed people got together! Aww!
The Nameless One chapter 1 . 8/29/2017
Omg, I wish more so badly... thank you for your job.
Golem XIV chapter 1 . 5/8/2017
I liked how Raven is not afraid of going hand-to-hand with an opponent, even if it is Rose. It's a headcanon of mine that she trains extensively to improve her skills in that area, for those moments when she can't or won't use her powers.
Aleenaa Irons chapter 1 . 4/2/2017
Meh...Raven would have kicked Rose's ass! XD
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
Geez, Rae, there are many less-painful ways to flirt with BB than getting your head handed to you by a precognetic martial arts master.
RPGPersona chapter 1 . 4/29/2016
We got to see Raven's jealous side this story. She did not appreciate the attention Beast Boy was showing to Rose. Calling her Slade-girl, she must have been really jealous. That spar match, Raven did not think that through. On the plus side, it ended up bringing Beast Boy closer to Raven and away from Rose, so I guess it was a victory for her.

Seeing their children's reaction to the story was icing on the cake. Even her children could she how jealous she was acting. Of course Cyborg would keep a copy of the fight even after saying he deleted it.
Silver Star Pack chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
I love this story! Its funny and we get a peek at future romance and baby's! My only peeve is that, in the cartoon Rose is already a honorary titans. But this fanfiction and everybody has a right to do whatever that want with the characters so it doesn't actually bother me at all! What my rambling side is trying to say is that the only way I can find fault with it is if I was nitpicking. Great story!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
Good story enjoyed it the second time as much as the first time I read it.
sunflowerheelz chapter 1 . 11/18/2014
Lol is it me or did raven just get her ass kicked
MrRayney chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Cuando comencé a leer tus historias, esta fue una de las primeras que lei, en ese tiempo no comente nada, pero ahora me he puesto al dia comentando las historias que me gustan y, no solo pasar y leer.

Creo que desde que leído Framed, me gustan mucho las historias donde interactuan Ravager y Chico Bestia (me gusta esta pareja solamente si hay un triangulo entre ellos dos y Raven...como que lo siento algo nuevo porque siempre es Terra la que esta en el triangulo).

Fue agradable ver a Raven celosa, pero sin aceptar que estaba celosa, eso simpre es divertido.

Fue sin duda una historia genial.
Narwhal man chapter 1 . 9/21/2014
I love it, but one part bothers me. What are the other two kids names?
dj25taz chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
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