Reviews for Forgotten Enemy
BunyipYabby chapter 1 . 4/26
This is AMAZING! We need more Campion fanfics quickly!
The Lady of Gaia chapter 57 . 1/18/2019
a pity there's not more. I would love to read the next update
Guest chapter 54 . 3/20/2016
Then there is a couple from Hickory and Marigold's warren who have come with them to chat with Hazel, and catch up.

Wow Hazel gives himself a lot of importance, he speaks in third person now ;)
Improptus chapter 40 . 3/15/2016
"We're going to find a way to free Holly, Blackavar and Holly," Hazel said finally.

I think here they care too much about Holly ;)
Good story though!
LeFart.megaphone chapter 15 . 7/13/2015
Campion X Blackberry! we need more of these!
DarkKing427-FluffKing chapter 57 . 4/6/2014
Is there going to be a Heat wave part 3? Excellent story! I'm still wondering what has happened to the love between Bigwig and Spartina. It's weird everyone else around them had kits except them.
Jacob chapter 27 . 1/9/2014
I really want to create a character as scary/awesome as Shadow. Any ideas?
Jacob chapter 49 . 1/9/2014
The story is good so far, and I'm really enjoying the character of Shadow - nice touch to the story! Keep up the good work!
Lithuiwen2016 chapter 15 . 12/26/2013
Great story, but i haven't seen Hannah so far.
Lilly Lasagna chapter 57 . 12/16/2013
Okay so this was a good chapter, but um CASCADE AND WISH ARE DEAD? I did not see that one coming, nor did I see the whole tribe-of-rude-woman-power-rabbits. This chapter was nice but the ending kinda threw me off. It felt like something was left out and a bit rushed. If you give this chapter a once-over and just tidy up the ending you should be good and on to move with the story! :)
fivers11 chapter 57 . 11/28/2013
Hey can some one help me here i am kinda not understanding the rest of the part.
Like i understand that the kittens have been sucked down in the "portal".
But then the rest i am having trouble with the part like after bigwig released fiver.

But aside from that i forgot that u even made a Heatwave chapter but i do like it.
Kinda surprised that Bigiwg did that to Fiver I thought they were good friends or maybe it because of the heat makes everyone crazy like with Primrose and Hazel or well just Primrose really.
Yet i am really looking forward to the next chapter :D
Keeralie Starflight chapter 57 . 11/25/2013 I'm confused. Cascade and Wish DIED?! NOOOO! I need to read this again tomorrow when I'm awake, but I couldn't wait to look tonight! :) And Primrose...where is she, and what has she done, cause I'm confuzzled. Great chapter though! I hope your life gets better and stays that way, or I will use my ninja skills to pummel the offenders! Fear not, for behold, I have come to chase all evil from the earth! ;)
Guest chapter 10 . 11/17/2013
Poor Captain Broom...:(
Guest chapter 9 . 11/17/2013
WOW this is really good!
I might be kinda late,but if the story isnt finished yet, could you please make something romantic between Bigwig and Spartina? (I havent read the whole story of you yet,so it might be a romantic part with them;)
Lilly Lasagna chapter 56 . 10/31/2013
Dude I really thought I'd reviewed this already. Sorry. SO this is a nice set up to some pretty heavy problems, I mean Hazel and Primrose are growing apart (?), Fiver's sense is still fading, Wish and Cascade are dying (?), anyways please give us the next part, I really need to know what happens to Hazel!
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