Reviews for The End Of The Rainbow
Frozen Ventilator chapter 9 . 1/8/2017
Hey, nice chapter. Before I go into the details, I just wanted to give you these two sites:
www. /wissen/news/story/22670038 (you're german, right?)

And, yup, they are about Quicksand. Even if a story is fictional, it's quite nice if the stuff that happens is actually possible... err... bad way of saying that. I mean, if the stuff that isn't clearly invented, actually is scientific correct.
Das war jetzt aber nicht als Anklage gemeint ;-). Ich wurde einfach plötzlich, während ich das Kapitel las, neugierig, wie denn Treibsand eigentlich funktioniert. Ich muss sagen, ich wurde ziemlich überrascht. Hab ja schliesslich auch alle die Comics gelesen, wo der Held fast versinkt, und dann in letzter Minute hochgezogen wird... So gesehen war die Szene schon glaubwürdig, nur halt nicht wissenschaftlich korrekt ;-).
Oh, und bevor ich's vergesse (das hier hat gar nichts mit genau diesem Kapitel zu tun): Ich glaube es heisst "air vent", und nicht "air bent". Wahrscheinlich weisst du das auch, aber es ist ein ziemlich häufiger Schreibfehler bei dir.
Oh, tut mir leid, jetzt kriege ich nicht mehr Zeit eine "richtige" Review für deine Geschichte zu geben. Aber viel Glück mit zukünftigen Treibsand-Szenen. :-)
takedigi chapter 23 . 6/14/2016
Amazing. Seriously, this adventure has been incredible.

The plot was very interesting. Places, action, meetings, teams. The original characters were impressive. I liked Okito and Tako-y.

Amazing how the characters have grown. I loved the transformation of Amy. I like it when she chases Sonic and other funny moments, but in your story, Her transformation was very realistic.

I cried when Sonic and Tails discovered that Knuckles was alive. It was very emotional. And the treasure was beautiful.

Another thing that surprised me was "the fury of Sonic". I mean, that side was incredible and very realistic. I was as surprised as Knuckles in Casino Park. And later, when he thought of revenge. Wow. I had no words.

And as always, I like the moments of Tails. When he says all that vocabulary, some people think: English, please. I love it. But the best moment was when he and Knuckles rescued Sonic of the river. I felt many emotions at that time.

It was very entertaining to read each chapter. Another amazing story. I love Knuckles more thanks to your stories (really).
Dinode chapter 23 . 7/29/2013
I should point out that your English got really better by the end. The story also fits pretty well with the games, in that this could have happened any time between them after Unleashed.
Dinode chapter 4 . 7/29/2013
I must say, this story thus far is living proof that just because a story has sub-par grammar doesn't mean the story itself is bad, because this is awesome. I enjoy your portrayal of the characters, especially Amy and the Chaotix. Just improve your grammar and spelling, or get a good editor, and I bet you could do a good job as a published author.
JellyUltraz chapter 15 . 4/6/2013
Yeah, most people would be hopeful and guess Knuckles is still around, if you ask me.
I like the term you've used for the Eggmobile. Flying pot. XD
Hiding the actual translation from the readers, I see? Smart move, giving everyone that extra reason to read the next chapter.
It's interesting how you show Knuckles' fleeing hope that Eggman wouldn't let him starve progress through the chapter. At the start, he's totally sure, but at the end, he's only kind of sure. It's those less noticeable things you do in this story that always seem to amaze me. Nice job! :D
JellyUltraz chapter 14 . 4/6/2013
Amy doesn't seem... not Amy yet. That's a good thing. :)
That... was sudden. An explosion of all things. O.o
Actually, that was quite clever, making it so you only truly understood the title by the end of the chapter. It's like understanding a mystery in a detective story.
Well, I'm just going to sit here and hope that Knuckles has been taken with Eggman while still captured, and he didn't go boom-boom.
JellyUltraz chapter 13 . 3/18/2013
I have to admit, you did a great job when it came to the porcupines' personalities, curious about everything that's not from the forest, but still friendly in general. And especially with Tako-y, how curious she is and her general thought pattern all seems logical to me.

And the fact that you make sure she only knows as much about Sonic, Tails and Knuckles as is shown to her, along with the fact that she seems forever hopeful to learn about the countless mass of things she doesn't understand makes her personality seem that much more solid, and I simply like that. Nice job with that!

Oh, and it's interesting how you've used that plothole with how Amy pulls out that monster of a hammer out of no apparent place to further show the Amy-Espio bonding, and you've even sorta filled it in, or to me you sorta have, at least.

And I only just realized how close Vector is to Knuckles. That snuck up on me, big time. Oh, and it looks like they're both in trouble, and this might just connect some different story-lines, and separate some more. I tend to like that a lot, like I do a lot of things in this story. Keep it up!
Chibi-Onee-chan chapter 23 . 3/8/2013
I love this story. The plot line is amazing and I love the way you wrote the characters. I had to read the whole story in one sitting because it kept me interested that much. Amazing job overall :3
JellyUltraz chapter 12 . 2/26/2013
Like I said at the start-ish part of this, I personally think Amy not chasing Sonic about everywhere is a possible thing for her. If anything, you keep the character development steady, not too fast, not too slow, and that helps it feel realistic. The reflection really did start to show the results of the character development, so I have high hopes for it. :)

[The mouse smirked. "He doesn't know where the ruins are."]
I chuckled. You just about managed to create a character who's intelligent, knowing, cunning, serious when needed, and on top of that plopped some light humour on to them. I like that.

Once again, nice job!
JellyUltraz chapter 11 . 2/26/2013
Three months, and I finally get some time to read again. Well, later's better than never.
I honestly thought the porcupines were vicious yet curious beings. Funny how quickly my opinion of them changed after reading on and eventually getting Okito's opinion/account of them.
I feel those ruins have some major plot importance in this story at the mention of them. If so, I'm looking forward to it. It sounds pretty mysterious.
In fact, this whole story sounds mysterious now. A bit like a detective story. Nothing's really adding up with the information currently in possession. I quite like that feeling. Nice work!
Hawki chapter 23 . 2/3/2013
The final chapter. At last! It’s done! I’ve read the story from start to finish! I…am reviewing this chapter three months after it was posted. Huh. For a ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ fic, there’s probably some irony in being late…or something.

Going through this, I don’t really feel that there are really any specific things I can make specific comments on. Thing is, while this is listed as a chapter, and may indeed have the length for it, it definitely reads like an epilogue. How each group plotline is effectively wrapped up, tying up the story. Personally, I think Tako-y and/or the porcupines deserved some closure as well, but that’s just me. I guess if there was one thing I had to point out, Amy’s declaration to Sonic that she’s over him felt a bit rushed and, in a way, preachy. Yes, Amy’s developed throughout the story, but there’s hardly been any (perhaps none that I can recall) interaction between her and Sonic up to this point. No pun intended, it comes out of the blue to Sonic, and in a way, to the reader as well (to me at least).

So, looking at this story as a whole, I thought it was executed well for the most part. I feel kind of guilty about this because of the gaps I’ve had in reading it. There was the job period (one of my reviews I think wasn’t as in-depth as it could have been due to how tired I was at the time) and the months-worth gap between reviews in recent times. However, while this isn’t a slight against the story, I don’t want to go back and read everything just for a end of story review. I don’t mean this to be stand-offish, but having many stories on my ‘to review’ list…well, have to get to them sometime as well.

But yeah, like I said, I think this story was well done. The sudden jump back to the Mystic Ruins is still in my mind the sore spot, but for the most part, I think it was done well. Had a good structure, had good characters/character development, and it wraps up nicely. So all in all, good job. And at the end of the day, you’ve completed a novel-length story. COMPLETED it, which is more than many multi-chaptered attempts on this site can claim. So at the end of the day, I think it’s something you should be proud of.

Not the best review in the world, but again, good job.
Hawki chapter 22 . 1/18/2013
Huh. Almost two months to the day since I left my last review. Anyway, although I’ll admit that my approach to reviews is along the lines of “I’ll review when and how I want to, thank you very much,” I still feel kind of guilty that it’s taken me this long to get back to this story. Anyway, on the home stretch now, so time for another when of those said reviews:

-Good intro. Maybe it’s part of me being away from this fic for so long, but having Robotnik start the chapter the way he does was something I found to be quite gratifying. Further down the section, interaction was generally good. Eggman felt a bit over the top at times IMO, but I suppose that line is based on preference and/or interpretation.

-“Vector nodded. "Just Eggman doesn't. Wonder where that bastard is."

This is very subjective, I admit, but it just feels…iffy, IMO, to have a character refer to Eggman like that(or at least a character that isn’t Shadow). The term itself doesn’t put ,me off, but having a character like Vector (a quite goofy character at the end of the day) isn’t something I can see happening.

-Moving on to the next section, another good intro with Sonic.

-“Sonic nodded. "Uh-hu.”

Should that be “uh-huh”?

-I like the description of the carpet in general. Heck, I appreciate its mere presence. Reminiscent of the carpet from ‘Sonic Riders.’ I kept expecting a reference to the events of the game, but looking at your homepage, how the main references are ‘Sonic Adventure’ and ‘Sonic Heroes’, I guess there isn’t an obligation to do that. However, the carpet goes beyond more than general gratification. Namely the content and how it’s handled. It suits the characters, it suits the context, it’s well written, it’s using a visual reference to provoke and emotional response, and leaving aside a rant, it handles the concept of Knuckles being the last echidna much better than ‘Sonic Chronicles’ did. It’s…well, frankly, it’s very well written. ‘Nuff said.

Or not, because being the nitpicker that I am, I have to wonder at the assertion that guardianship stems back to the beginning of echidna society. If that’s the case, what were they guarding prior to the Master Emerald?

-Not much to say after this I’m afraid, but it’s still good. So all in all, good chapter, especially towards the end. Hope for both our sakes that it won’t take another two months for me to review the next one. 0_0
JellyUltraz chapter 10 . 12/21/2012
Oh, they must think Tails is some kind of special messenger, like they thought Tako-y was.
I have to say, I love the way you displayed the ability of communication between the tribe people and Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. The lack of it was hilarious in some ways. XD
I've come to expect a gripping cliffhanger at the end of every chapter now.
JellyUltraz chapter 9 . 12/21/2012
Of course, I fail to realize Sonic and Knuckles aren't just going to sit there twiddling their fingers, and I'm once again caught off-guard by the story.
I'm getting the feeling Tako-y is about to show herself to Sonic, Tails and Knuckles in one of the next two
chapters. But either way, I love how she interprets Tails. XD
JellyUltraz chapter 8 . 12/21/2012
To be honest, I found both Espio and Amy in character pretty well, and the scene was quite enjoyable.
I've convinced myself that Espio has feelings, emotion and whatnot when you break through that hard outer shell of his normal cool ninja self, which is basically what you said at the end...or something like that.

It's like there's one bit in every or at least most of the chapters I've read so far that really stands out and becomes a very memorable part of the chapter. To me, that part is the Espio and Amy bonding. In the first few meetings, they're nearly strangers to each other, but they've warmed up to each other now, not too quickly, and too slowly. A perfect balance. Nice job with that!

I'm gonna make a random guess, and assume that there's a cave beneath the quicksand. Either that, or Tako-y will intervene or something.
Heh, that cliffhanger has no effect on me, as I'm most likely going to continue reading after I click that post button.
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