Reviews for The New Player
WinterRain36 chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
This story sucks.
Hikari Nova chapter 3 . 11/18/2012
i'm liking what i've read so far keep it up :)
DivineWhisperV2 chapter 3 . 9/21/2012
Don't hurt Tali!
Warmaster Tzeentch chapter 3 . 9/20/2012
The UNSC has a decient amount of defenses plus with the Fire being a colony class ship they likely have a rather adequate Council fighting force!
guest chapter 3 . 9/19/2012
i like your story its just that the Halo Characters are acting a bit too arrogant for a side that losing badly in the war. Also its sounds the spirit crew sounds exophoic to the of irrational thought and when they realize there is no UNSC in this universe and cutter should realize he shouldn't tell the crew of this revelation. If he does tell them and says they are not joining the allaince or cerberus which are groups looking out for human interests. He will face mutiny or mass desertion as they would not sit idly by after fighting 27 year year long war. They would probably jump at the chance at peace without worry about genocidal aliens or jump at the chance knowing their tech advantage to further human interests. I think i read somewhere some of the crew while not loyal to the UNSC were loyal to humanity. As the allaince is seen as the legitimate human goverment any attack on it by them would clearly mark them as terrorist. The spartans may defect in this case as they were bred to kill terrorists not be them. Also many of them would want to join as they want to help humanity not cause problems for it.

while your story is good i just try to say Spirit is just one ship and the crew when they realize their is no Covenant will want UNSC tech to fall in the hands of allaince or cerberus. As they will want to further human interests
frozendude chapter 3 . 9/19/2012
spirit of fire crew are in for a big suprise.
also they might want to change their attitude since they know they were fighting a war and everything pointed to them to lose. Even though UNSC was fighting the Covedent for 27 years most of the fights were defensive and most of the time in covedent favor. The only thing ironically that allowed the UNSC to win was infact the fanatical religious elites that instead of just blowing the ship up that had the cheif and that in turn would save the first halo and not create the events that would make the great schism.

What i am trying to say cutter should realize the council races while not as powerful in tech to the UNSC or Covenant are tactful. For example instead of boarding a ship or landing in areas of High resitance that would probably bring deaths on your soldiers. The council races would just do a orbital strike that solves the problem of any enemy resistance. They covendent would probably launch troops and waste resources on a possibly pointless endenvour.

He should not try to provoke another civilization into attacking his ship. While the Spirit of fire is more powerful than any ME ship. it is still one ship with limited supplies and crew and has no FTL ability at all. This in fact puts the spirit of fire in a weaker position. As i doubt even though the fleet got killed it probably did some damage to cutters ship. He should know that the spirit will lose merely in a battle of attrition.

If someone says having a higher tech guaranties victory then covenant and Forerunner or even the precursors should have never lost their wars, but they did and it usaully ended in their extinction.

As the flood even though having no form of techological base defeated a god like foe in which case was the forerunner.

I am really meaning to say while sides might lack in tech they make it up for tatics, which ME ships fit better for as while halo ships can one shot any ME ship. The problem for the Halo ships killing ME is ME ships are smaller faster and more manoeuvrable then their ships by far. ME ships just have to keep UNSC ships at a far distance and wittle away at their armor and dodging their mac rounds by FTL out and coming somewhere else and return to hitting the ship the though bigger is much easier to hit. If UNSC had shields that would probably be a different story as shields regenerate while damage armor has to be reapaired had resource intensive.
Knightwolf1875 chapter 3 . 9/19/2012
Looks like the Spirits of Fire is in for a very big surprize. I just hope they think it though before making a mistake.
Sovereign X22 chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
Jesus Christ that was epic way to show spartan time!
Inverness chapter 3 . 9/19/2012
Yeah, so far I'm not liking their attitude, they're xenophobes that are going to start a war because they're too irrational to look at things objectively.

" If your 'council' wants revenge, they'll have some of the UNSC's best and brightest to deal with. And they'll quickly find that they don't want to deal with us." Yeah that is probably what the Convenant thought when they went to war and they still lost.

Anyhow, my point is that this story just seems like UNSC wankery so far, if you want to salvage the story I suggest having them get some sense slapped into them pretty quick.
Inverness chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
Well this was interesting right up until you killed Jack just to prove how tough the new guys were. I suggest looking up "The Worf Effect". And to make it worse, Worf actually lives after getting his ass kicked, you just went and killed Jack, which makes me believe you don't like her character and found an easy way to kick her out of the story. Either way, this a terrible writer cliche that does nothing good.

Additionally, the Halo characters are acting incredibly stupid. They discover some new alien species and seem to think a repeat of Harvest is a good idea.
Saber Knight chapter 3 . 9/18/2012
Good so far, like it very much how the UNSC isn't getting too involved with Diplomacy and Negotians. Can't wait for more.
Fayneir chapter 3 . 9/18/2012
I was wondering when this would be updated. I though it had been abandoned or something had happened to you (a terrible suspicion I have regarding Kudara, author of the brilliant Who Saves The Hero...check it out, it has great detail, long chapters and is very well written...I find the best way to learn and improve is to take lessons from the work of others), glad I was wrong.

A bit short but definitely a chapter building up anticipation for future events. Looking forward to more.
Mr Potato chapter 3 . 9/18/2012
Good story
It would be cool if you would make the UNSC a little less hostile to the aliens.
Otherwise I am really liking the fic.
WinterRain36 chapter 3 . 9/18/2012
Great chapter! I hope the crew of the Spirit of Fire is able to upgrade their ship with more Mass Effect tech besides just the FTL. How about shields? With their knowledge of Covenant tech and getting some kinetic barrier tech then they should be able to combine that to make a modified shield to protect the ship. Also to make the MAC cannon be able to fire a triple shot with a faster recharge rate. What do you think of those suggestions? Please let me know! Thanks and update soon! :D
forget the rest chapter 2 . 9/17/2012
I forgot about the whole alternate reality theory. It really needs to be fixed. It is a usable idea of it is explained right, which it isn't. It wasn't a good ideas to just have Shepard blurt out the ideas. It seems you went for th quick and easy fix to explain how the spirit got into the ME universe. Also you'd think that Shepard would be pissed over the fact that jack is dead.
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