Reviews for A Merry NonChristmas
sorryspence chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
Awww, that was nice and fluffy... I loved the bathing-padfoot-the-dog incident :D Thanks for sharing!
Yvonne Park chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
You should do another chapter! I love this! It's so cute! I would love to read more! :)

Mellis Marauder chapter 1 . 11/16/2012
Sirius and Padfoot Oh boy... I mean Remus and Moony are complete opposits and James and Prongs are...well Prongs normally knowns whats going on. Peter and Wormtail reli on each other Peter is the shy kind of kid, and Wormtail knows how to make every on laugh, but Sirius and Padfoot in the same fic?

That's like to Sirius'.
Mlle Violine chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
I don't usually like AU and don't read them; but this was bloody cute ! So damn cute ! I loved it, thanks for writing it ! :3
magicians chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
So cute, awh oh my gosh, just smiling everywhere like a crazy lady. Yay. It was great.
xStolenxHartx chapter 1 . 1/31/2012
I sincerley hope you are going to continue this - made me smile like the mad woman I am :-)

Loved it: Remus is like the perfect gent and so kind, so is Sirius for caring for Padfoot the way he does _

"You're so cute" I have a thing for blushes atm so THANKYOU for putting that in and making giddy!

Oh man yes, I hope you continue xx
LeafyHazel chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
Sooooo cuuuutttteeeeeeeee :)
HPandTHGaremyworld chapter 1 . 1/7/2012
Aww! This is really cute! Are you going to continue it? Cause you really should. I'd follow. ;)
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
:D!Oh my god!*dies*

That was,that was oh god,that was so so pretty!I absolutely loved the way you've made Remus all caring and all!the Padfoot idea and the way Sirius cares about him was so sweet!Waahhh!_!I just loved everything about it!
alix33 chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
"Your friend's mum is a good cook!" said Sirius as they were making their way through Mrs. Potter's turkey with stuffing and gravy, roast potatoes, and steamed brussels sprouts and carrots." - That DOES sound yummy.

This story has been SO moving thus far.

"What'd you mum do that was so bad that you've boycotted Christmas?" - "your mom".

"the shaggy dog came padding up to the table, just then, to check if there happened to be some scraps left for him. He put his head in Remus' lap and looked up at him with the most irresistible puppy-dog eyes. Remus' face broke into a smile and he automatically handed the dog a large piece of turkey. "He's playing you," Sirius said, laughing. "I know. I'm so easy." The dog happily munched the poultry, slobbering all over Remus' trousers." - Hey there, Padfoot! I am a total dog person, to such an extent that the only two cats in all of creation I can bear in any way, shape or form are both fictional and in the Potterverse: Prof. McGonagall's animagus form and Crookshanks.
ljusalfheim chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
Awww that was so cute