Reviews for Lily's Reach
TiedInASlipknot chapter 22 . 7/17
Just finished rereading this again for the millionth time. I love this story so much, I hope you come back to it someday!
homopotato chapter 22 . 6/8
Oh my goodness yet again I’m floored by your writing it’s absolutely fantastic and I think you really do justice to the orc race and delve into the lore and interest of the race. I also just love your writing, while I was afraid to read this at first due to the tw I’m glad I did because you showed such great respect for the trauma and it fleshed these men of great respect for a woman’s trauma. I loved this story and just like the dragons keeper I hope you find the urge to finish this fic one day. Fuck all the asses in the reviews discrediting your work I think it’s fantastic.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/30
jesus fucking christ put a warning if youre going to include graphic rape. nobody should ever have to be surprised by something like that.
Melly Aurora chapter 22 . 3/12
This is the best story I've ever read. I hope you continue it one day. If not, thank you for what you've posted so far.
Quicksilver.Maiden chapter 22 . 9/17/2019
It's been some time since I read this, and I like some of the changes that you've done. Most of it is subtle, but it makes the characters feel more true to themselves.
I'd very much like to see what happens to Lash, and how those other chieftains swallow their tongues when they realize Burguk won't disown her.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2019
This fucking sucks.
Guest chapter 22 . 6/30/2019
it aight
Guest chapter 7 . 6/29/2019
wot the fk m8
Guest chapter 22 . 3/13/2019
Will you be continuing? I hope you get the urge to, one day soon.
Tom Brady chapter 22 . 2/26/2019
This is a really excellent fanfiction. Real shame that it's basically defunct.
FyloeFox chapter 8 . 2/5/2019
A few things that bother me with this fic up to this point.

First, I've read quite a few of your fics over the years and I do find all the different plot ideas really nice and generally find your writing to be really nice to read. The issue is more on the character side.

Something that stuck out to me, is how Lily was so interested in being part of the Stronghold and friendly with all of the members. But as soon as Ghorbash speaks to her she does a 360 and becomes snappy and bitchy which to me when i read that change in personality, a bell went off. Ding ding ding, here's the love interest! I felt that change wasn't consistent at all with what I've read of her so far. It just felt... Obvious. Like you have to make them fight with each other because then it'll be better when they get together. I don't want to call it a cliche, but it kind of is since so many times that's how it goes. I guess my problem this time is there was no ease into it, she just switched into immediately disliking this guy she just met like a second ago when he did nothing to warrant it other than be the future love interest. Perhaps more buildup into it would have made it more believable?

I generally dislike when I can tell the way the story is going to go. And when she was with the Forsworn, and was raped. I knew how it was going to go. When she returned to the Stronghold, it just made it more obvious. Girl and guy dislike each other. Girl get raped. Girl is traumatized and wants no one. Guy eases way in. Girl and guy get together. I really don't like when rape is used as a plot device to bring the love interests together. I see it done so many times it makes my eyes roll. She doesn't like him. She gets raped . He's nice to her. She likes him. That's how this is going to go. It's how it always goes and I wish authors would find some other original idea besides rape to find a way to bring two people who start off as prickly to each other together. Idk, just my biggest gripe about this.

And finally, I don't find it believable because they spoke maybe 3 sentences to each other, before she left. And when she comes back we find that he's already kinda infatuated with her. I guess if you want to go by game logic since he can become a follower but she gave him no reason to find her appealing at all besides helping with the attack when she first arrived. She was pretty mean to him. What's to like about that? It goes back to what I was saying about her attitude change that happened just for him. I would actually believe this more if she was more kind to him when she brushed off his offered help. It would then make more sense to me for him to want to be with her, especially when she returned after the Forsworn. But as it is now all I see is cliche and that's too bad because I know how well you can write your stories.

But this one, probably not gonna read the rest.
mezzieb1 chapter 22 . 1/24/2019
Animelover20003 chapter 22 . 8/19/2018
This is one of the greatest things I've ever you do use a sorrowful topic,you also show real progress in getting over story is amazing and I was shocked to find it unfinished.I do hope that you will continue story has made me smile,and made me cry.
marmalade-snow chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
The emotion and devastating events are so well-written that I really connected with this fic. I am holding out hope for our couple but see a long road to recovery. Lily is such a fun and strong character, I love how she went from innocent and a little naive with strong morals to a despondent wreck. I can see a little more of her new strength peeking out in the last few chapters, go Lily. Thanks for sharing this story!
KiraH96 chapter 22 . 7/7/2017
I so wish this would continue. if not by this author then maybe they could give permission for someone else to pick it up. I NEED to know what happens next.
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