Reviews for His Girl
Guest chapter 1 . 10/13/2015
Why haven't more people read this amazing fanfic? IT'S AMAZING! /)O.O(\
Little Gem Magnolia chapter 1 . 12/11/2013
Aww. You know I see Rapunzel as being excited about sex and being insatiable like that, lol. I guess it's because she's so curious and enthusiastic about everything. Nice job.
368235 chapter 1 . 12/27/2012
HOT ;x
Ravanyss chapter 1 . 5/20/2012
aww man why do people spoil the characters with fics like this, its just gross
Dinosaur Barbecue chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
Aah! Also adorable, and very loving.
Unther chapter 1 . 3/4/2012
I thought you captured the characters well enough. I find that the nature of a character comes out at least as much in the dialogue...on which you're it does in what the writer has the character doing.

It's told from Eugene's point of view, which I've noticed is quite common in Tangled fic...probably because the source material is book-ended like that. Ergo, a lot of the internal monologue is worse, I think you may have down-played some of the chip-on-his-shoulder attitude of his. Although we do see in the movie that he loses this when he lets his guard down in the campfire scene, and I figure that we're probably looking at at least a year between Rapunzel's homecoming and their wedding, so Eugene has a little time to get some of that knocked out of him...there's no way the King and Queen are going to let their daughter marry Eugene without ensuring he's undergone a certain amount of polishing.

I love how you spotlight Rapunzel's relentless enthusiasm for EVERYTHING, which is both consistent with the original character and a good contrast for the matter-at-hand. Then there's the mother giving the daughter "the talk," which as written, kind of comes out of Victorian/Edwardian tradition, so it fits in nicely with period.

It's otherwise a pretty realistic scenario-she both wants and fears it, he has to force himself to hold back, all the awkwardness of that first time-and I think you've come much closer to what would have been the reality of it than I have with my counterpart rendition of the event in question. I also appreciated how you skipped over the actual coitus...which wouldn't have been necessary anyway and would probably have detracted from the story. And, of course, she wants more! :-)

I noticed that you jump back and forth between past tense and active voice. I recommend picking one and using it throughout the entirety of the work. It was overall a very enjoyable read.
starsnstripies chapter 1 . 1/24/2012
really wonderfully done. Characters are just like in the movie. I can so see this happening to them. Her being so brave in the forest and so afraid of intimacy and sex. great job :) and the last sentence or 2 are the best
euphoenix chapter 1 . 1/12/2012
love the story, good job!
my insides are blue chapter 1 . 1/8/2012
Wow, this was beautiful!

Your characterization of Eugene was so fantastic! He's so sweet and gentle, and I just love him! Even if I never imagined Rapunzel to be afraid of anything, I enjoyed reading this. It's pretty normal that she's so afraid. And the way you wrote it made it more amazing! Great job!
DORMANT-ACCOUNT-INACTIVE chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
This was lovely and very tasteful. You do an excellent job!
FrancesBertram chapter 1 . 1/6/2012
Aw, so sweet! Don't switch between past and present tense and a few grammar errors. But it was a sweet story! :)
Patpat chapter 1 . 1/4/2012
Very cute one-shot ! I loved it ! What I found pretty funny was the word flippant at the end of the story : I'm French and in my language, it means "scary" lol, so the word seemed out of place for me XD

Anyway, very good job, thank you.

- Patchan.
Jane McAvoy chapter 1 . 1/3/2012
I like how you ended this, especially the line: "she had fallen apart so beautifully, all for him." It shows how devoted she is to him as well. Often in these fanfics, we get Eugene's POV, and it's nice to get a reminder of how much Rapunzel loves him as well.
adrilabelle chapter 1 . 1/3/2012
"The skin-on-skin contact feels amazing and he feels overwhelmed with love" just beautifull ! He is so Him ! I love how he is so tender and sweet ...very nice !

"Couldn't she have slipped me a note? he thought to himself, after the Queen had left his bedroom. Still, he was grateful for the information." poor Eugene LOL

nice story ;o)
susan friedman chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
another lovely story..keep them coming