Reviews for The Morning After
anavihs chapter 1 . 3/14/2012
Oh!... Just.. Oh.. Ok.. So ms. heartless DID cry for this one (feeling a tear well up in one eye is a HUGE thing for me) I felt this.. thump. In my heart. It was so.. Wow. You have.. QUITE a way with words.. I really have no words to describe how brilliant your writing is. I'm off to poke my eye until I DO cry now. :)

Lots of love

jilyspottering chapter 1 . 2/29/2012
That brought tears to my eyes. Wonderful.
pepe200 chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
I really liked this. Andromeda is probably one of the characters who suffered the most from everything, but she is so ignored in the actual series.
TheBeautifulOnes chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
That's my pen name, sorry! I'm on mobile. :P

Anyways, this was bittersweet and heartbreaking. Great job. I loved it!
Spiralling-Down chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
This is really good... It's definitely interesting seeing how she would feel about Bellatrix. They were so different, but obviously they were still sisters, and I think you got that across really well.
Lady of York chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
So sad. So beautiful. Loved it. Wonderful.
WeasleySeeker chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
This is amazing, I always think Andromeda is a character we never hear enough of. I think the confused emotions about Bella are exactly how I would feel in her situation. Good job!