Reviews for The Young Girl and the Jeli
Tiigerliily chapter 1 . 1/2/2012
I LOVE this story! :D I LOVE the idea of Willy and Lottie having a daughter (I know they are married... But I never thought they'd have a child for some reason :P )

You write really well for Willy, and also for Sparcticus. :D

And... Jeli's are cute! :D
Langston Is Great chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
This is neat! I love the concept, and that we get some backstory to your character. Also Sparcticus is always a big plus.
Toripocalypse chapter 1 . 12/30/2011
Ahhh, I love this! It's nice to have some backstory for Maddie; I like her a whole lot, I must say! :3

You write for Sparty amazingly too; when he imagined his own child in the garden, GAH, that was just too dang cute!

I love the little joke at the end with Maxime, too! Hahaha, poor, poor Maddie!

Great work! A! :D