Reviews for Innocent
alixxblack chapter 1 . 1/1/2012
Aw, the was sad. I wanted to cry for George.
DesaraSoleil chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
Very, very sweet. Loved lil Fred's innocence, but I kind of find the idea odd that they would have kept UNcle Fred a sort of secret from little Fred. I could be misinterpreting that.

Adorable dialougue and I like how it just ended with 'Red'. I don't get the importance of that word, but I do like how it ended the piece. _
hello pretty bird chapter 1 . 12/29/2011
This was precious and heartwarming. I love how innocently the question was asked, and George's initial reaction. It was beautiful and made me miss Fred just a little more.

There were a few question marks left out, but not to the point that it distracted me from the overall story, which was well written and so down to earth.