Reviews for Connie Go Lightly
Etoka442 chapter 36 . 7/14/2016
Can I just say I really love this story? I also really like your writing style, even if it gets confusing sometimes(it feels hard to follow along sometimes because there's time skips in weird places, and not enough clarification as to what exactly is going on in some scenes). I think you get the character portrayals well, and the character development with Connie is great! I really hope you continue writing this. There isn't enough HinABN content and this is just my kind of fic because it's long and the tone is pretty much my jamand I just. You're really great. Please keep writing! 3
Guest chapter 36 . 4/13/2016
I really don't know what to say except that I wish I could write this well. It's so well done and I can't wait for more (if you are/would still like to be updating it) I just adore this so much and am glad the fandom is more of a living dead than actually dead and gone.
RisingSm0ke chapter 31 . 11/25/2015
[Giddy giggling] Okay so an ace character and more Ves being all sappy around Connie, I fucking love it!
Guest chapter 34 . 11/24/2015
Nooo, don't apologize for the length! Long stories are wonderful! You're doing a great job. I get so excited every time I see there's an update (even if I don't always have a chance to comment right away).

Anyway, uh, wow. That took a darker turn than I thought. Now I feel like I should've expected it but... poor Jeremiah. Damn. You keep making me feel things.
Guest chapter 31 . 11/17/2015
There's a lot that could be said here, but so far the only thing I can really put into words is "Aw, Veser." Because seriously, aw.
Guest chapter 30 . 11/15/2015
I read the most recent chapters as soon as I saw they were up, but as I did so sleepily and in between periods of work, I didn't manage to comment. (To be honest, even right now isn't an ideal time to reread and comment but dammit I will not let three chapters go by without leaving at least one new comment.)

Poor Worth. It's not exactly going well for him, huh?

Okay, it's not exactly going well for Conrad, either, but still. Poor Worth. Break my heart, why don't you.

Loved the "afraid of frogs" callback. It actually had me going back to reread that chapter (and wishing I had time to reread the rest of the fic).

The thing about Hanna's age is really interesting and makes a lot of sense. I love it.

Ahhh the condo burned down. Where's Veser staying? What's Conrad going to do? IMPORTANT QUESTIONS.

Excellent work as usual!
RisingSm0ke chapter 27 . 11/5/2015
Omg poor Connie, dude needs a break! This Fandom loves to mess with the guy haha! Also I'll have you know that even the smallest mention of any platonic interaction between Conrad and Vesper makes me grin. I need more sarcastic-sharp-toothed-partners-in-pain! Hanna is gonna feel so left out once everyone gets home omg :O
Guest chapter 27 . 11/5/2015
Three new chapters so close together? I feel so spoiled!

I rather like Noah. He's interesting!

Poor Connie, always having some issue to work out. (But I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it.)

Really looking forward to the next few chapters! And good luck with your NaNoWriMo. This does totally count.
Guest chapter 24 . 10/12/2015
Hot DAMN I am loving these recent chapters, this one in particular with Worth and Conrad's fears, just wonderful. Thank you so much for the updates. I look forward to whatever happens next!
RisingSm0ke chapter 23 . 10/9/2015
Haha the way Ves jumped to stand in front of Conrad was really fucking cute omg! Also the idea of Connie using his vamp strength to haul Worth around is vastly amusing. I'm excited to see what will happen next :)
Guest chapter 21 . 6/26/2015
Horrible injuries and tall creepy guys from clinics. It's pretty much Connie's life now, yeah?

I was really excited to see this update! Took a little bit for me to find the time to really sit down and read and comment, but it was worth it.

"Hanna stomped the mini basilisk under his heeled boot with all the fervor of a startled housewife stomping a cockroach, equal parts panicked and vengeful."
Really loved that line, by the way.
Vladamere Maltice chapter 19 . 2/28/2015
This is great! I like the intertwined style of ordering events. It feels like a lot isn't being said, but more is implied very well. Thanks for writing this! I hope I can read more of this story in the future. :D
Guest chapter 19 . 12/24/2014
An update! And a great one! (Although really, when have the updates been anything less?)

I can't help but be curious as to how Veser would respond to Conrad's current state. That could be an uncomfortable conversation.

Aaanyway, thank you for continuing to update this story! I really do love it.
RisingSm0ke chapter 18 . 6/25/2014
I always liked the idea of Conrad and Veser being good friends, because they both had problems in their childhood and Veser is totally cool with Connie being a vampire- just kinda makes sense to me. Like, if Veser would just pick up after himself i think those two would get along great. So this fic makes me very happy! There aren't a lot of Conrad and Veser fics, even less that aren't romantic or sexual... So yeah, great job and I can't wait to read more! :)
Guest chapter 17 . 6/9/2014
I had just reread chapters 15 and 16 the other day. (Was going to review, but hadn't yet. Then was pleasantly surprised when I came to review and saw a new chapter!) Aaanyway I really liked the contrast between chapter 15 Worth and chapter 16 Worth. From the confidence of his claiming he doesn't have to do what any arrow says, to the "He doesn't like me" sadness of the dream.
Also, loved the dream as a well. Very well done.

And I love how this new chapter puts a twist on the dream! It's great.

I get so excited whenever there's an update. Looking forward to whatever comes next!
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