Reviews for From Undómiel to Tinúviel
Guest chapter 16 . 1/22/2019
I do very much hope that is not the last chapter! You have such an interesting idea of Arwen's character, and I would love to see your view of Aragorn and Arwen's relationship as it develops. Thank you for such an enjoyable fic!
Capiri chapter 16 . 1/9/2019
I really like your story and hope that you will continue this work at some time point, for i have already read it several times and i want to know how it will further play out. How in your story arwen will start to see aragorn as more than she wants to admit. Greetings
arinhel.melleide chapter 16 . 12/3/2015
I absolutely love this fic! Your writing style is wonderful, and you write all the characters so well! I wish my brain was capable of forming real sentences right now to accurately describe my thoughts, but alas...

Anyway, I love this and I look forward to the next chapter!
Elf from Downunder chapter 16 . 11/14/2015
I loved the Jane Austen references, they were very well suited to the dialogue between Arwen and Elrohir. :) It was wonderfully written this interaction between brother and sister, Elrohir's implying yet mentally denying Estel and Arwen's feelings and Arwen not even denying she thinks so highly of him.
Thanwen chapter 16 . 11/3/2015
It is very intriguing to see how you manage to transport Arwen's serious interest in Aragorn and her care for him one the one hand while on the other she remains distanced, both in what she tells her brother and what she admits to herself at that level of their relation.

And I can well understand that you felt drawn to quotations from Austen's works, as the atmosphere, the way you have the elves deal with each other closely resemble the way of the British gentry Austen portrays.

Thank you very much for sharing.
anthi35 chapter 16 . 11/2/2015
excellent as always but i must admit i got a little confused is aragorn leaving to begin his travels as thorongil?it should be some time till that happened and he had become chieftain i believe
Sophia the Scribe chapter 16 . 11/2/2015
This is very good. All the dialogue fits well and makes sense in Tolkien's world, and I like your references to Austen's works (which are other favorites of mine). I look forward to the next chapter!
Elf from Downunder chapter 15 . 10/16/2015
The tone and themes you bring up in your story, especially between Aragorn and Arwen, are so beautiful and intriguing. I'm so glad you have updated! :) Seeing young Aragorn through the eyes of Arwen has never been so interesting. Their talk on the patio of kingship and greatness really stirred me when I think of their love.

Beautiful chapter, dear!
Thanwen chapter 15 . 9/26/2015
I am simply chuffed that you continue the story and I truly admire your ability to nail the tone of the story again even after quite a long pause.

I have been intrigued all the way through your development of Arwen's character how you would deal with the immense difference of age and experience once you introduced Aragorn, and now here I am, grinning like a fool with delight.
Already in your last chapter you gave us a glimpse of his youthfulness, his emotions, his yet undeveloped abilities and his seriousness that hint at the man he might become, but in this chapter you add both a sense of respect for Arwen's personality - which enables him to refrain from fawning over her and make a nuisance of himself, as most young men at his age would do - and the dedication to his people, his feeling of duty. And by showing that you somehow start to build the bridge that will make the two of them come together some thirty years later.

As much as I love the Professor's tales, I have not been able to help the impression of shallowness, reading in Tolkien's story that Galadriel dressed Aragorn like an Elven lord and then Arwen beheld him for what/who he was and fell in love with him. Psychology obviously was not Tolkien's preferred terrain. But with your Arwen, with her curiosity for Men and their mortality and her keen insight and sympathy, and your Aragorn, who is yet an unpolished gem, but an obvious gem beyond doubt, you have provided a convincing view into how things might have been.

Thank you very much for posting.
anthi35 chapter 15 . 9/26/2015
wonderful please continue i like your idea of them getting gradually closer.i think it gives them both character and gives reasons for arwen and aragorn to know they wanted to be together forever and make all the sacrifices that came along with that more than being handsome(aragorn) or beautiful and hard to get(arwen) ever could so one more time please update
catherine10 chapter 15 . 9/26/2015
i love your story i like the way you describe arwen's character how you give her real depth and not just a pretty face also i like how you describe the beginning of her relationship with aragorn. I find it realistic since i do not believe in love at first sight interest mabe attraction sure but love? you need time to feel that and recognise it for what it is and i believe you will give this to us so please update
Aki no hikari chapter 15 . 9/26/2015
I liked it, this little glimpse of Aragorn and Arwen and their relationship that is more than just love at first sight. Also I enjoyed how contemplative Aragorn is, his curiosity and that little detail you put that he made the weavers feel important just by paying attention to them. We can see the seed of greatness start to take root in him and how Arwen is starting to see it too. I really enjoyed this chapter.
Artura chapter 15 . 9/25/2015
I like the slow deepening of their friendship and the comfortable understanding that they seem to be developing with each other.
Sophia the Scribe chapter 15 . 9/25/2015
I am truly enjoying this story. I love the character you are giving Arwen, while still remaining strictly in canon- how love-at-first-sight is qualified and intensified through true understanding and intimacy, though it first be only on the grounds of friendship. I look forward to the next update!
Sophia the Scribe
Guest chapter 14 . 3/5/2015
This is amazing ! it's the first LOTR fanfic I read and I'm happy to find one which give me so many answer on who could Arwen be as Tolkien didn't value her enough. I can't wait to see her fall in love with Aragorn and see what follow.
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