Reviews for Out of the Loop
Guest chapter 21 . 11/13/2018
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I wish every single chapter was an actual episode of the show! I really appreciate the to detail that you put into every character's voice. A lot of it is very believable and the tone and theme of the stories fit right in. Definitely want to read more from you.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/21/2018
Honestly, this is so damn good! I’m so excited to continue.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
Where has this story been since my obsession with Misfits began!? I’m so so so happy that I stumbled upon this!
Neecee81 chapter 21 . 4/9/2018
I recently discovered Misfits and absolutely love Simon and Alisha. They have a beautiful yet tragic love story. My favorite aspect of this story is watching Simon and Alisha outside of the time loop. I get a kick out of seeing them navigating this timeline. I like how you keep reminding us readers that the smallest things are a repeat for Alisha and Simon. The thought never crossed my mind that Alisha's magazines would be dated reading material. I must admit that sometimes I get nervous for them that even in this timeline I still worry about a Super Hoodie presence. When Rebecca popped up on the scene I was worried Super Hoodie was pulling some strings. I'm so grateful I didn't have to wait long to figure out it was just her powers. I can't blame Rebecca for being upset with Curtis for lying about what he saw in the future. Logically speaking Rebecca really wouldn't have had no room to be upset had Curtis told her what happened. I must admit I'm happy Curtis lying was the catalyst for him to make room for Nikki. Let me just say I feel so sorry for Isobel. I can't imagine having that power but on the other hand, it would give you a good judge of a person. I love how she describes Simon and Alisha as a warm blanket. Thank you for writing this story. Should your muse never return to this story I'm so thankful for what you have written. In all honesty, I'm glad you didn't leave us with a cliffhanger.
Guest chapter 21 . 11/3/2017
Is there more? I really want to know what happens... It just can't end like that.
Ipshita Nandi chapter 1 . 10/1/2016
Hey! Firstly, can I just say how much I love this story. By far, one of the best written and thought out Misfits FanFictions out there. I try and recommend this fic to as many people as I can! Also, after having read this fic about a million times - I JUST realized how Simon and Alisha got out of the loop in this fic. Just to clarify though, it was possibly Kelly's daughter who was so infatuated with Simon and Alisha that she pulled them out of the loop, right? I can't believe I didnt notice this before! This is freaking BRILLIANT. Thank you so much for writing this :)
tunnelrabbit chapter 1 . 6/28/2016
Loved this story - very well done, with the characterizations and the intricate plotting. Of course I wish you would finish it, but quite a few years have passed, so I'm sure you've moved on to other things by now. Thank you for writing this!
LungTienXiang chapter 21 . 12/7/2015
So I'm a few years late...but this story is amazing and it sucks that you abandoned it. Hope you come back to it one day, this is not only the best Simon/Alisha fanfic I've seen, but honestly the best Misfits story I've found.

I guess until then I will just have to reread this glorious story, which I plan on doing at least a couple times.
Shionosekai chapter 21 . 5/6/2015
I love your story! I really like the way you portray the different characters. I think it's great how you include tidbits of information from the webisodes etc., and it's impressive how carefully you pick the names of any original characters.
Great work! :D
fantasyfan1764 chapter 17 . 11/3/2013
im liking this, wish you would update soon, well actually be better if had updated months ago so i would not be thinking at this moment aw only four chapters left :( lol
fantasyfan1764 chapter 9 . 11/3/2013
that stacey girls power would be useful if wanted to breed an army with powers
swifty13izme chapter 21 . 6/24/2013
I really hopecyou update soon. Its a lovely story
The Queen of Thornes chapter 21 . 6/2/2013
skm chapter 21 . 5/29/2013
i've just read your story in a day and it is really amazing! i hope you will update soon :)
The Cuteness chapter 21 . 2/25/2013
I just spent the last few days reading your story and I have to say that I'm loving it. Your doing a really great job with trying to keep the characters true. There are a few mistakes but they're minor and have no real effect on the story, so don't worry. I'm so glad to finally see a great long chapter story about my favorite couple. All the fanfiction on Simon and Alisha are short stories and always leave me wanting. Hope to see an update soon! :)
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