Reviews for But Words Will Always Hurt Me
SheLovesGreenTea chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
Laughed my ass off at the end. Has anyone ever told you that you write beautifully, skillfully? You truly do and this chapter is a sheer example.
Obscured Angel chapter 5 . 8/29/2015
Thank you for writing and posting, it's appreciated.
gotyour6 chapter 5 . 4/13/2015
I read this story a couple of years ago, and liked it a lot. I am dyslexic, so felt a lot of compassion for Mike. Here I read it again, and felt even more a kindred spirit. I have a neuromotor disease called dystonia. I have a genetic form of it that involves my whole body, and basically any muscle in my body that is under voluntary control can spasm, or contract, or jerk. My illness finally required the use of bilateral deep brain stimulators. Beside the dystonia, I have a few neurological issues that stemmed from being thrown up against walls or down the stairs a few times too often as a child. The surgery to implant my devices can worsen such issues but generally not enough to rule out surgery. Instead of two operations that is the norm, however I had six or seven, due to an infection that led to one of my devices being removed and then replanted. Long story short, I now have micrographia which basically renders my handwriting illegible. I love to write, stories, journals, etc. and cannot do so by hand anymore. Speech recog programs are becoming easier to use and more effective, but I often feel stupid and frustrated. So I really resonated with Mike this time around. Thanks for writing a story with such grace and understanding,
wotumba1 chapter 5 . 6/17/2014
great story!
Emi-Ly Sway chapter 5 . 4/15/2014
I loved it! The idea and its development are very original. I really liked the prologue too.
purplehaz97 chapter 2 . 6/15/2013
Wow, great topic. I have dysgraphia, and you have it dead on. And yes, this little snippet was typed into word first then cut and pasted into the review . I'm impressed...not many people have heard of it. Kudos, great read so far.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/18/2013
I totally understand what it is like living with dysgraphia and how embarssing it was when people made fun if it when they dont know its yours. before i got diagnosed my teachers called me lazy and said i needed to try harded i missed recess for 2 years and for someone with ADD as well that was not easy. i like this story its really good a totally touches home.
Jaz22 chapter 1 . 11/9/2012
Awesome Donna fic-she totally rocks!
Lance chapter 1 . 5/28/2012
Hey, if you take promts, heres one I desperatly need-

Mike is sick/overworked and just completely out of it. He gets found by Benjamin (the IT guy), who then decides to give him a lift home. Secrets - Mikes parents, pot, ect - are reveled. Preferably no slash.
hypercell chapter 4 . 1/19/2012
Aha. LSATS explained. LOVE!
hypercell chapter 2 . 1/19/2012
Awesome story. Funny thing about the speech software. Idk how much the professional one is, but I know my dad just got one for, like $20. He is the slowest typer in the world (think one finger...) So He always makes me type whenever he needs it. I was SOOO Thrilled when he got it. Isn't bad, either.

Also, this story ROCKS.

(Although, how would he take the LSATS for people?)
VooDoo Doll13 chapter 5 . 1/14/2012
This was a wonderful little piece of fiction. It strikes home for me, too, as both my brother and my mother are dyslexic, my mother moderately so & my brother severely so. My mother was a Lieutenant at a Sheriff's office/correctional facility for 27.5 years before she retired. As one of the first (few) women to not only stay in the organization, but prosper in it, the fact that she effectively had to do 3-4 people's jobs anyway, just to keep her place in an organization run by & filled

with "good 'ol boys", her job was made had to have been made doubly, if not even more difficult because of her dyslexia. I don't envy any one a problem like that to contend with. I don't have anything like that, in, fact, I'm rather on the opposite end when it comes to ceiling and writing and such. I just can't help but think if all the struggles and pain people go through because of the rampant ignorance people have when working with or

being around people with something that can't be devastating that they have absolutely no control of. It makes me so sad to think of all the abuse that occurs because of utter ignorance and arrogance.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I really love your work and I look forward to reading more and that you did an amazing job on a subject that really captures my attention and heart.

Thank you,

VooDoo Doll13 chapter 5 . 1/14/2012
This was a wonderful little piece of fiction. It strikes home for me, too, as both my brother and my mother are dyslexic, my mother moderately so & my brother severely so. My mother was a Lieutenant at a Sheriff's office/correctional facility for 27.5 years before she retired. As one of the first (few) women to not only stay in the organization, but prosper in it, the fact that she effectively had to do 3-4 people's jobs anyway, just to keep her place in an organization run by & filled

with "good 'ol boys", her job was made had to have been made doubly, if not even more difficult because of her dyslexia. I don't envy any one a problem like that to contend with. I don't have anything like that, in, fact, I'm rather on the opposite end when it comes to ceiling and writing and such. I just can't help but think if all the struggles and pain people go through because of the rampant ignorance people have when working with or

being around people with something that can't be devastating that they have absolutely no control of. It makes me so sad to think of all the abuse that occurs because of utter ignorance and arrogance.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I really love your work and I look forward to reading more and that you did an amazing job on a subject that really captures my attention and heart.

Thank you,

VooDoo Doll13 chapter 5 . 1/14/2012
This was a wonderful little piece of fiction. It strikes home for me, too, as both my brother and my mother are dyslexic, my mother moderately so & my brother severely so. My mother was a Lieutenant at a Sheriff's office/correctional facility for 27.5 years before she retired. As one of the first (few) women to not only stay in the organization, but prosper in it, the fact that she effectively had to do 3-4 people's jobs anyway, just to keep her place in an organization run by & filled

with "good 'ol boys", her job was made had to have been made doubly, if not even more difficult because of her dyslexia. I don't envy any one a problem like that to contend with. I don't have anything like that, in, fact, I'm rather on the opposite end when it comes to ceiling and writing and such. I just can't help but think if all the struggles and pain people go through because of the rampant ignorance people have when working with or

being around people with something that can't be devastating that they have absolutely no control of. It makes me so sad to think of all the abuse that occurs because of utter ignorance and arrogance.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I really love your work and I look forward to reading more and that you did an amazing job on a subject that really captures my attention and heart.

Thank you,

A chapter 5 . 12/29/2011
Wow, this has to be one of the best Suits fanfictions, if not THE best. From the title, to the very end it was amazing. I don't really think there is much more I can say about it, it was that good. Thank you for this amazing story.
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