Reviews for Babe
Haru Niven chapter 1 . 7/31
Wow, I can't believe this was written 2011. Amy calling him Babe was canon, and I'd like to believe it's a tribute to your amazing stories. I'm so glad I found them. Thank you, thank you so much. Stay safe.
HS1 chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
First off, I want to tell you that you are a brilliant writer. At points, maybe a litttttle ooc, but not excessively, and the plot was great. I loved it.

Secondly, especially as someone whose ace, I very much appreciate your characterization of Sheldon's sexuality. Thank you!
lisslee333 chapter 1 . 5/27/2016
awh i wish sheldon wasnt so sick that amy rubbing his belly hurt him... he would be so cute if she could
Raisaeol chapter 1 . 1/26/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 12/19/2014
This was absolutely adorable. A wonderful mix of emotion, sweetness, and off-beat characterization. Very well done!
gonzoooo chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
Lovely interaction between the two. One thing though, you write that sheldon is asexual and yet he is aroused by amys body and dreams of her, and I quote he looked at her with 'LUST.' this is a very heterosexual quality to give to an asexual man. Having a close friend who identifies as asexual, and from my understanding and experience, the way you
write sheldon is NOT so. I get that he would perform sexual favours for amy so she wouldn't leave and I know those who identify as asexual CAN be sexual, but in this context it doesn't make sense. He is clearly aroused by amy. Maybe it woul be more accurate if sheldon was amysexual because clearly he 'loves' and finds himself attracted to her (for her mind and body). Other than that discrepencey, you are a talented writer and I hope you writing for shamy.
pisquenta chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
hahh you had me at squishy breasts
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Omg! That was soooooo romantic! I almost cried it was so beautiful! If they put that in the show the rating would go through the freaking roof! That was amazing! Great job!
M - Giih chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
I love it!
Memma546 chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
cute. Im a shenny fan but i find shamy cute too.
totalqt16 chapter 1 . 3/28/2012
N'aww! This was incredible.
steffiegee chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
OMG i love this! and your "free-boobing it" made me laugh so freaking hard! :D
Rockyele chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
First of all, let me fangirl a little:

I love, love, love all your Shamystories and I love you for writing them!, seriously, thanks! you have a very special way of portraying them, putting them in "unlikely" situations (wich means, something we would hardly see in the actual show) and somehow you manage to capture their scence.

I just signed up to FF, and one of the main reasons was just to have the chance to review your stories and tell you how much I enjoy them.

Now I have to go and review each one of them, later I'll be back here to write a proper review, specifically for "Babe"

Please, please, keep writing!
Ori chapter 1 . 12/17/2011
Your Sheldon is starting to get too soft in my opinion. I can't imagine him dreaming about wedding rings and such.

Don't get me wrong, you are still a great writer. But I just feel Sheldon at least is starting to get a bit OC in this series.
rubyanjel chapter 1 . 12/16/2011
I was eating while I was reading this and I choked on most parts. Don't take it wrong, your story was the bomb! I am just really animated and so taken in that I would have reactions that are considered exaggerated.

I really love this. I really do. I just love how Sheldon admits that little by little, he's succumbing to his basal needs and that he wants their love "to grow".

I am loving the pace this series is taking right now. The other series you have is just as awesome, but it ended up a bit sad and I hope that one could use a little "lighting-up" so they could have more hanky-panky there.

Here, I love how they express their affection to each other. I guess this is the closest to canon when it comes to the story and character development. I can actually hear the lines being spoken with their own voices and intonations.

Hoping to read more! I won't be requesting you to add more fluff to your future stories nor more foreplay. Both options are good too. ;) It's your choice, since you make some of the Best Shamy fics around. I'm satisfied enough that you've written plenty of stories about them, and glad that they're all wonderful stories.
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