Reviews for Sweet Nightmare (DO NOT READ)
ddddaaaae chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
hello; sesshomaruandrin . blogspot . com
sesshomauandkagura . blogspot . com
Cindy-shan chapter 7 . 1/10/2014
Heey, new reader here!
I just wanted to say that this story is amazing! It's so awesome that I read that in quite a frenzy! Haha
I really wish that you continue this! Take the time you need! But just so you know that will be people waiting patiently for you!
And it may be out of date, but my condolences for your friend Mikita. As I read through the story, her comments and everything, it really stroke me as a shock about the news (maybe old news, but still). I just thought I should show that still have supporters!
Waiting for the comeback,
My Hero Academiafan 27 chapter 6 . 11/8/2013
So what happens next?
M chapter 7 . 11/6/2013
Can't wait for your update!
overninethousand chapter 1 . 9/23/2013
hi there; sesshomaruandrinfaq . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagurafaq . blogspot . com
icecreamapparition chapter 6 . 1/28/2013
Who is this Stephanie and why did she do that? How did Sesshou lost track of Rin when he was only at her roof when she went out?

And I'm just curious, you never revealed what Rin found on the floor before Ah and Un reacted, and why they were alarmed when it is only Sesshoumaru.

Also, what happened to Rin's mom and why did she died? I don't think the villagers would put her and Rin in a bad situation if they believed it was the woman who keep the monster from harming anyone in the village. And now that said woman is gone, how does Sesshoumaru feed without making it too obvious to the people?

I'm guessing Sesshoumaru have memories of Shomaru, but Shomaru does not remember anything. Is it a monster thing or a curse? Shomaru sounds like he has split personality. :P

Anyway, I love the name Shomaru, I love the story, I love night creatures! Please continue this fic! I'm a little confused because Rin's transformation seems different from that of the prologue's. I want to read more and find the answers!
QuillDream chapter 6 . 6/23/2012
Awesome story! Please update again :)
FrozenPride chapter 6 . 3/25/2012
oooh, I wonder what the Kiss of Death does? Sounds sinister! Nice chapter, and thats a pretty cool legend about the red sunset. Can't wait to see what happens next!

I am sorry about your friend. You have my sympathies.
Moonlight Mermaid chapter 6 . 3/25/2012
Sorry for your friend (T_T) My Solidarity...

I loved your story, so exciting. I'm so curious...

Update as soon as possible, please.
icegirljenni chapter 6 . 3/24/2012
A kiss of life? it works like a vampire where he will have the blood flow in and change Rin's to another being? How will a kiss that would safe Rin's life? Will you going to explain it more in the next chapter?

So Shomaru is Sesshoumaru because of the Sunset curse? Will Rin going to learn about Shomaru ?

What will happen now to Rin? Will she becomes another person and will she be able to accept it?

Who's that lady? Who is she to Sesshoumaru and why wouldn't Sesshoumaru just kills her? She hurts Rin out of maybe jealousy?

ARGHH! Not enough, I want more! More!

I am sorry about your friend :'( My deepest condolences to her family members. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

About Android phone LOL I know right? Taraah use to cursed the dictionary too when we were chatting LOL Ah my poor phone, I still paying it LOL

Update soon!
Taraah36 chapter 6 . 3/24/2012
Omg I'm Soooooo sorry about your friend! That's so terrible!:-(

Now as for this chapter... Wtf is this chicks impression of Rin ? She went after the girl because she was a nuisance to Sessh ? No such thing! Who is she to Sessh? Why did he not kill her for hurting Rin? What will happen to Rin now? How will she react to being changed?

Will she avoid Sessh now? Will she be able to see the sun again? Kind like shomaru?

It's no wonder he fell in love with her, she cooked for him. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach and he certainly fell for that. I wonder what Rin will do once she learns the truth about her dear sweet shomaru?
DrunkOnBeskar chapter 6 . 3/23/2012
That witch is a rin but y did that witch attack her?
Chichicoo chapter 6 . 3/22/2012
The story isn't over! yay you updated :) keep updating please~ as always, good flow, not jumping or skipping around in your writing. Good descriptions and vocab usage.

I'm sorry to hear about your friend, may she rest in peace and her family have strength.
Jolie luv chapter 6 . 3/22/2012
oh my,,i am sorry to hear about your best friend, and yes i would pray for her brother and fiancee too.

Back to the story,,

*brakkkk* ouch,,*falling from the couch* my guess was wrong *embrassed* LOL XD ah i see, the red sunset is an old superstition, and i never knew about the curse, either, so it's kind of new information for me :) thank you for sharing, dear _

And who's stephanie? Why did she call sesshoumaru after she tried to kill rin? i think she does know him, ne?

aarrgghhhh pls update soon, dear. And i hope you will be able to make it faster :) LOL

take care,,
CoolCat0720 chapter 5 . 1/26/2012
O shit she is screwed isnt she? Hes gonna rape her isnt he!
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