Reviews for Until the End of the World
Amineh1825 chapter 1 . 4/15
Please tell me you're going to finish this story! I can't start reading gthis until you do! Because it will drive me crazy! So please finish!
mistyann thomas chapter 28 . 12/29/2019
Please continue interesting
rosellashipper43 chapter 1 . 9/6/2019
I had a feeling Bella would have fallen out of love with edward in the end and divorced him he's too different to her and maybe she'd fall in love with either Klaus or Elijah
Killyun Christensen chapter 21 . 8/23/2019
I just wanted to say that the first story, and now this one, are so amazing and I hope that you continue on this 3 I’ve neen really down and out, and reading these has provided a very welcome distraction and escape. And I’m not ashamed to admit how emotional some of the moments in these stories have made me lol
lrw31 chapter 28 . 4/14/2019
men I hope you continue the story I just found it and I loved it I read it to the whole way
Guest chapter 28 . 2/12/2019
It’s quite sad to know that this story isn’t complete. It is a wonderful sorry that I’ve still enjoy throughout time being. I hope that one day you will complete it
leegav chapter 28 . 1/21/2019
Miss this story
Sylvia N.Y chapter 28 . 11/5/2018
OMG I am so obsessed with this story, it's really sad and frustrating(for me) that you didn't continue, just when it starts to get mysterious. I hope that someday you can continue it, such a great story. xo
AnahyR chapter 28 . 11/3/2018
You have no idea how much I love this story, I'm so bummed you haven't updated in such a Long time, i hope everything is great with you and that your muse is still there to finish the story. xoxoxo
AististaX32 chapter 23 . 10/16/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
St Louis Cemetery No. 1, New Orleans, LA

The results of the ballot are a foregone conclusion. T-T
Lighahura81 chapter 21 . 10/16/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
"An underground tunnel?" Elijah inquired as he peered through the opening.

Off ffn with u. :)
PPashaX22 chapter 27 . 10/16/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
"He's going to revive the family." Klaus nodded at the horrified expression on her face; glad to finally have gotten through to her. "Oh yes. Could you imagine…four more like me…thoroughly starved…angry…bitter…right here in New Orleans? Do I have your attention now, my pet?"

We would not miss u. O.o
Tanr 92 chapter 4 . 10/15/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
This is where the real magic was, Klaus thought as they entered her home above the store. Unlike her shop downstairs where every surface inch was covered with everything mystical and magical, her apartment was plain and comfortable and as some would say, modern. He knew she hid the "real" stuff here, safely locked and sealed with hexes that were nearly impenetrable. He knew. He had tried once with very painful results.

We are still unaware of the criminal's motives. ;P;
KirtX63 chapter 6 . 10/15/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
"Isn't it obvious? I want to be changed back. I don't want to be a cursed human."

Except for Tom, the family was all watching TV in silence. T_T
Nanenz 37 chapter 10 . 10/15/2018
Down with Critics United!

They are the cancer to our society.

The root of heresy needs to be burnt to crisp

with over thousand innocent souls without remorse or guilt thereafter.

No sacrifice is too great and no treachery too small.

Remember, we all are walking under the immortal shadow of Him.

His light shines so brightly, it will guide us to our foreseen destiny that is in our grasp.

A great moment we all should not pass.

Praise Be The Emperor of Mankind!

If you are on the same page, cp this message.

And Bella119 is dumb.

Hybrid of Fate is nothing. She needs mental help.

cathrl, do u want to be my daddy? I won't promise to be a good girl :D

CrystalRei should quit.

Now onto the actual review:
"She will need someone to help her achieve her goal." She looked up at Klaus. "That someone will be you."

He has the social skills of a wet mop. O_O
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