Reviews for Mito Uzumaki's Secret
dianalillian chapter 1 . 2/9/2017
Hey there. I just wanted to sa I love this fic. You've captured the Madara I've been looking for. Arrogant who has kind moments. I hope you continue making great fis luke this.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
good review
PenCraft31.13 chapter 1 . 2/10/2016
This is one wonderful madara mito story. The intensity and the raw emotions...u are a really great author. I wish the story was a multi chapter story. I'm here dying for more of this story. I hope to read more madara mito story from you. Good job!
ohmyguavagirl chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
Super cool and might I ad this oneshot was fresher then death!
I already hated the first hokage and konoha...I don't know why but after the sh!t they done with the uchiha'z makes it easy for me to hate them...
Anyway darling this fanfic tickeled my instead of a oneshot...update pleases!
Lovies,kissies and huggies
Yours truely:
Girl of Blue Fire chapter 1 . 3/7/2013
Right, I owe this story a review as I have read it lots of time (sorry) and really loved it!

Beautiful, little fic and I really like the idea that a) They were in a relationship before she married Hashi and b) losing her is what made him gain the Mangekyo. Its an extra kick in the teeth to Madara. I don't think that is Kishi's style but I personally loved the idea.

I did wonder why Madara didn't propose marriage as a way to strengthen their alliance - an idea I had for my own MadaMitoHashi stories - but I understand that probably you just wanted to show a quick snap shot of their relationship here rather than complicating things. Also if she was engaged to Hashi then there is no way the Uzumaki would dump him for Madara. But maybe before that?

I really love how you capture Madara's arrogant yet alluring personality and how it irritates and attracts Mito at the same time. The whole 'attracted to power/the embodiment of power' bit was spot on and I laughed about Madara teasing her that she 'defeated' him. I also enjoyed Mito's use of jutsu and the sealing tags on her buns (wish we could find out what they were for!)

I don't know if you are still into Naruto but the Prekonoha characters are now being featured again (no spoilers) and I would love to see a sequel to this or another story on this pairing from you. Best wishes, Bluefire
Gina chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
So, did Hashirama married Mito or not?
The-Goddess-Of-Wind1 chapter 1 . 1/1/2013
wind scarlett chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
This fic touched my heart, especially when Madara dramatically said that Mito died, died from his heart. I meant that evil, heartless person had heart(?) That's so beyond, ahahaha. I secretly hoped that Madara would propose her first, since he also gained great power in all villages, and they could be together.

Great fic, hope you write more stories of them, :D
Ama.Amaya-chan chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Just found out I like this paring too much. Good one-shot, Love it!
Iroka chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
Absolutely lovely story. So in love with the concept. Madara gaining MS from Mito turning him down. PERFECT! I can also see this. Nothing would make this series more perfect than Madara being in love with Mito. *sigh* If only... Until then I have wonderful fanfiction to read. Loved every moment. Did many out loud fangirls. Rare for me. :D

Nothing off for me. Your writing style is easy to follow, I was never confused or misplaced. Though I did wonder about how close the Uzumaki, Senju and Uchiha were since Madara was at her place every night. Since Uzumaki are suppose to be on an island and all. But I get it, one-shot no jutsu. It's no big deal, really. xD

Would love to see more work from you! This has been in my favorites for awhile. Just now getting around to reviewing. :)
kuroneko215 chapter 1 . 4/8/2012
Awesome story!
Nemo et Nihil chapter 1 . 1/22/2012
It's Senju not Senji.
vizard chapter 1 . 12/11/2011
holy fuck! this was totally believable. man, i feel sorry for madara. he was and still is a total badass.
Yuti-Chan chapter 1 . 12/10/2011
This was awesome!

If only Mito could have been with Madara -.-
Sara Beara Pumpkin chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
This is great! It was incredibly interesting and I couldn't stop reading it. You have a gift for telling stories.

I was so surprised by what happened. As an author, you set the plot up so well, and it was very realistic and believable. I really like it! I hope you have other stories like this.

I also like your writing style; it was smooth and easy to follow. One thing I think you could have improved on is description, however. I think you could have used a little more, especially on the characters. Overall you created enough good imagery and kept things simple and interesting. I hope your other story is as good as this one!