Reviews for A Wounded Soul
adotdev chapter 32 . 7/31/2015
What? No!
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 32 . 1/3/2015
I'm so sorry I didn't read this when it was posted! :/ I was overwhelmed with work and hadn't been on FF in awhile. I'm glad you updated, though sad at the same time, but loving it anyways. I'm looking forward to the next chapter and finding out what happens next and hope you update again soon! :D
Raxicoricofallapatorious chapter 31 . 7/22/2014

Kinkylittlewolf chapter 31 . 7/22/2014
I'm very glad you posted, I've always loved your story and I really hope you update again soon!
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 30 . 5/14/2014
MadaMag chapter 30 . 5/14/2014
I noticed that lately your chapters are mostly recap of the episodes. In this story one can skip over 3/4 without getting lost or missing action.
As you don't even incorporate changes, (a better-knowing-Sherlock John should lead to different behavior if not actions, as here Mycroft is not only Sherlock's, but John's as well, thus John would insist early on to at least inform Mycroft [even behind Sh back], if not demanding him taking actions, with the suspicion John had) it makes your story boring.

In my opinion its a 'not good'.
There are sites with recaps, if one didn't see the show. And I think most of your readers did see the show, and have the general knowledge about what happened.
If you would put attention rather on their thoughts, on the 'missing scenes', how are they different with their knowledge of their relationship it wouldn't give the impression of rewriting the episode, IMHO.

I really hope that at least in the end game you'll surprise us...
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 29 . 5/12/2014
O.O I want t know what happens next! I hope you update again soon!
roman chapter 28 . 4/23/2014
i love it and is really brillant and fricken amazing story
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 28 . 4/23/2014
I absolutely love your story and am incredibly glad you updated and hope you do so again soon! :)
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 27 . 3/18/2014
I'm extremely glad you updated and I loved the chapter! I hope you do so again soon!
MadaMag chapter 27 . 3/18/2014
Yay! You have made my day.

Though, seeing as John knows Sherlock in your fic better than in canon, I doubt he would fall for the "hurt Mrs. H" or suicide plan.
He also knows Mycroft better, so he should/would know that he wouldn't allow the canon scenario to happen without a hidden plan.

Also, in that case of the canon, wouldn't Mycroft real/hidden agenda be to separate John and Sherlock? Because that worked so well the last time :/ ;D

Ps. Sometimes bromance is more truthful/sincere/lasting than a (passionate) love. IMHO.
abc14 chapter 26 . 2/2/2014
Sherlock is not happy!
Oh dear; poor John.
Great chapter.
Thank you again :-)
al-dena chapter 26 . 1/27/2014
me encanta como siempre está historia¡ me has dejado con los nervios en tensión con la última escena.
Un saludo¡
Irene Johnmystradelock chapter 26 . 1/27/2014
O.o I love this chapter, awwww my feels! Poor Sherlock and John... It's so sad. Thank you for the chapter. See you soon :)
Kinkylittlewolf chapter 26 . 1/27/2014
Oooooo, curiouser and curiouser. :P
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