Reviews for The King's Mistress
AG chapter 16 . 6/30
I only skimmed this whole fic but from what I read it looks so damn good. I hope you will finish it one day, even though it has been years since the last update.

One day I'll come back to this story and read it properly and comment with my account here (if I'll still remember the password etc.
HiddenMagic421 chapter 16 . 2/24
It makes me so sad that this fic isi complete but finished or not it’s still one of the most well written, original, docs I’ve read. And though the story is au and very creative and fascinating, the canon characters themselves still retain their essential personalities. I really really love it. It’s a joy to reread.
corjca1 chapter 9 . 1/21
god i hate senna shes ugly trol abomination ugly eyes like a dog lol
Haru000 chapter 16 . 10/27/2019
It's a pity for this story to be discontinued. But still thank you for writing this.
Guest chapter 16 . 10/22/2019
Once again reading this story, once again falling in love with it, once again sad to see it incomplete. Such a gem it pains me so much to know we will never know what happens to Ichigo and Rukia, still can't help but hope that maybe, someday, somehow...
Anon chapter 2 . 8/6/2019
I thought she would say strawberry.. and that ending to that chapter, very captivating
Anon chapter 1 . 8/6/2019
Oh wow, great start
Alexa Roman chapter 16 . 7/29/2019
continualo... por favor
no te olvides de nosotros
aeriellamd chapter 16 . 4/1/2019
Every once in awhile I come back and re-read this story, at least once every six months for the last 6 years since I discovered it... I simply love it too much! And it pains me to not know what happened next. And while I understand life gets in the way I can't help but hope she can get back to it and finish this which has become my favorite fanfiction of all time.
LushRomance chapter 16 . 10/16/2018
ahhhhhhhhhh... the cliffhanger. This is so beautifully written.. i hope you update soon. I cannot wait to see how much rukia has progressed in her training and her duty.
yocel chapter 16 . 7/3/2018
Please come back
Light Eclairs chapter 16 . 5/14/2018
Ah, what a great regret this reading had been. I never really intended to fully immerse myself in the story with the knowledge that it's already practically abandoned. However, the first chapter had me concede in defeat at how beautifully you crafted the words and imagery. This story is one of the best ones I have read in terms of writing and plot.

I truly wish someday it could be completed. .
Peachie-Trishie chapter 16 . 1/7/2018
I dreaded reading this chapter because now I'm left with a cliffhanger of this whole fic. I LOVE your writing. It just flows and the words that you use omg I adore. Please update soon!
jofig525 chapter 16 . 10/2/2017
please update
sexydragon chapter 1 . 6/5/2017
yo dude I like wat u have written but cn u pls like finish the story or tell me how it u and ur work
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