Reviews for How Never Became Forever
sambayar chapter 26 . 5/19
This was really wonderful:).. Enjoyed the whole ride.;)..
amcke1991 chapter 26 . 10/29/2019
Just had to re read this entire story and once again has claimed my heart! So beautiful
amcke1991 chapter 26 . 5/5/2019
AHHH AWWWWWW! I so so hope there is a sequel! Seriously you are a fricking AMAZING writer! I am so so happy they got there forever
amcke1991 chapter 25 . 5/5/2019
Can I just say... YAYY!
amcke1991 chapter 24 . 5/5/2019
SO many emotions going through my head with that chapter. So angry at Bonnie for what she did to Elena but happy she was finally able to change for herself and find happiness. Sad that Damon didn’t say goodbye face to face but so damm proud he told Katherine to stick it. All I can picture is ripper Stefan at Christmas time with the beard when he was in jail. So happy Elena was able to come to peace with her decision to forgive him for something that changed such a big part of her life. I’m really sad that Damon and Elena ended the summer but the happy and content place she is in now is amazing. I hope they are able to come together in the future.
amcke1991 chapter 6 . 5/4/2019
My Delena heart cant take it!
amcke1991 chapter 3 . 5/4/2019
Chapter 3 and im HOOKED
allesandra 69 chapter 26 . 6/9/2018
Really this is an incredibly, phenomenally great story. Loved it!
Rowena Hills chapter 26 . 5/24/2018
Oh my God! I see what you did there. Chapter one ended with NEVER and the Epilogue ends with FOREVER. This is awesome
Guest chapter 13 . 4/27/2018
someone needs to tell Bonnie to mind her own fucking business lmao come at me with those passive aggressive comments. I would have told her ass to stop acting like a jealous 13 year old
kimminnee chapter 6 . 1/28/2018
The infamous porch kiss. It was just one of Delena’s kisses that made TV Critics list of “Best Kisses” I love the way you payed it respect. Having her stand there stunned, with her lips parted...and a simple “Goodnight Elena”. I love Cannon TVD mixed into A/U stories!
Damon answered all of Elena’s questions. That last one blew her “Friends” all to hell. Damon honored her “friends only” all day. He never tried to pry into her life. He was nothing but genuine and honest. It’s funny, her own set regime made her break her own rules. Irony at it’s best.
kimminnee chapter 5 . 1/24/2018
Oh Elena, you just THINK you know how to lock your heart down. This man has the key, combination, password, and knows the reason you locked it down. He’s a good man. He knows how damaged you are. He also sees the great potential you posses. Let him in. He’s not Stefan. You can be happy again!
kimminnee chapter 4 . 1/24/2018
If you named your chapters, and asked for a suggestion I would have named it “The Twenty Four Hour Nightmare”
Angelverseries: (that’s the name many of us parents who have lost a child made up for the date we lost them. Instead of having to say “This is the Anniversary of my son’s/daughter’s death.” It has been extended to any loved one’s date of death.)
What a shit day for Elena. She awoke from a nightmare. Went downstairs to unexpectedly find Damon of all people down there.
Then Caroline decides that the day to give Matt another shot is this day. Then makes everything worse by telling Elena how she thinks Elena is wrong to stay emotionally closed off after Stefan. On her parents Angelverery. Decides to storm off to Matt’s party. Bonnie of course responsibly opted to make sure she arrived safely, leaving Elena alone at Jerry’s.
Damon and she were really clicking. Especially after he revealed that he wasn’t staking her. And he lost his parents as well. He evened the playing field revealing allot about himself. He showed her he is really a caring guy. And, he gets her! She is drunk when he gets there. So after consuming even more alcohol, he didn’t let her kiss him. And she misunderstood!
Elena, he did the right thing. Don’t close down, and don’t be mad! Too late, walls are back up! Damn.
kimminnee chapter 3 . 1/24/2018
Elena doesn’t per say want to stay emotionally closed off to all of mankind. Maybe she just needs the right man to open up to. Damon almost had her...
kimminnee chapter 2 . 1/24/2018
I’ve read the before. Did I not comment? (That’s not typical of me) I remember that somehow Damon makes it past her walls, I don’t remember how it all ends. I know it has some real ups and downs.
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