Reviews for Platyborg's Agent Predicament
Guest chapter 19 . 12/27/2015

Loyal fan of PnF and loyal hater of autocorrect,
Guest chapter 15 . 12/27/2015
I'm doing my happy dance right now :D PERRY REMEMBERS! Da-da-da-la

Cheering Perry on, (I refuse to call him platyporg) Nightflame203
ficklepickle7 chapter 19 . 8/7/2014
Awesome! :D I really enjoyed it!
ficklepickle7 chapter 1 . 8/7/2014
Whoa... That was awesome! :D Loved it! Nice work!
Jessie0300 chapter 19 . 1/14/2013
ah, i'm crying right now! why do you have to write so good?!

no, I'm just kidding, it's my fault, it's a wounderful story, I've always woundered what happened to 2D Perry, well, not really, but now I know!
Anonymous chapter 19 . 1/1/2013
This was a great story!
perryplatypuslover24 chapter 19 . 12/13/2012
Boolia chapter 19 . 4/4/2012
Wii Guy chapter 5 . 1/17/2012
(struggling to hold back tears of joy :')) Thank you so much for having Doof2 stay evil 'cause they wouldn't let him keep his toy train. If you didn't, I would have cursed every fanfic that features Doof2 seeking revenge (toy train kept or not).

Isn't there a single fanfic where Doof2 is temporarily out of prison to help our heroes fight an evil greater than both Doofs could ever be. If there is, tell me. If not, There should be. Although "A Unexpected Turn of Events" by RosyInkLiv54 DOES have someone other than Doof2 seeking revenge. Go read it, though it seems to be on hold.

Yes, I will finish reading this story! :-)
Wii Guy chapter 3 . 1/17/2012
I'm hoping your reason for Doof breaking out of jail is because they wouldn't let him keep his toy train in prison. 'Cause if this story doesn't point this reason, your story will come across as Doof2's evilness never had diminished as I always believed.

Doof2 may be better at being evil than Doof1, but they both are not as merciless as Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine. Doof2 DID pull out a sock puppet INSTEAD of a gun to get Phineas to fix the machine.

How ironic that Doof2 became successfully evil just from losing a toy train (He lost his eye before getting his toy train as a child but can not remember THAT?) while Doof1 had so many bad back-stories that he clearly remembered and is still clueless when Perry arrives without his fedora on ;-) (Doof1 can actually remember how neither of his parents showed up for his birth; How is that even possible?)
medafan 53 chapter 19 . 1/11/2012
you aren't going to have perry turn evil again right?

are we gonna see the 1st demension charecters again?
TheAfroCircus chapter 19 . 1/9/2012
Awesome! You copy cat! Im gonna make a trilogy about the 2nd Dimension and your gonna make a sequel? Lol jk jk haha cant wait to read it! XD
Night of StarClan chapter 19 . 1/9/2012
really sweet is the ending, not?
WordNerb93 chapter 18 . 1/9/2012
YAY! Not only is he alright, but everything is better! His cybernetic body, his situation with Doofenshmirtz, his memory, his family, EVERYTHING! I LOVED IT!

(And, by the way, I don't think you were that evil with the cliffhangers. After all, I made one a month ago, and I still haven't updated yet... Yeah, I suck...)

Can't wait for the rest!
Night of StarClan chapter 18 . 1/8/2012

very sweet
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