Reviews for Get Out of This Place While We Still Have Time
ThePleasurableMushu chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
If only the writers from Gilmore Girls were half as talented as you! Don't get me wrong, I love their dialogues and jokes, but writing emotional scenes isn't exactly their forte. This was, hands down, the best depiction I've ever seen of Rory and Jess' relationship. Holy cow. You've reignited my love for them, I'm 100% back to being emotionally invested in these two lol I want all your stories printed out and bound together into a book, because I'm scared that one day they won't be up online anymore. THAT is how much I love your stories, to the point of paranoia lol But this story in particular... You were so creative in how Jess would finally attempt to open up to Rory, and seeing Rory finally begin to understand that he was in fact doing his best was so cathartic. This story is what we needed in the series and more, thank you so much for writing it and sharing! I think this what people feel when they say they're blessed hahaha Thank you! 3
JediGirlAcrossTheStars21 chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
I really loved the parts where Jess was stopping at certain places and telling Rory about his past as they were walking through New York even if it made me really sad. I feel like the show never really expanded more on his background story cause to me Jess is the New York version of Ryan Atwood
beth-is-rainpaint chapter 1 . 9/14/2017
So I can't make myself watch "Keg! Max!" anymore, and sometimes I can't even make myself watch the show anymore (thanks a lot, AYITL), but I can-and will-read this story over and over and over again.
zemarha chapter 1 . 5/29/2017
I've read this story before, but am only now realizing I've never reviewed it. I love the way this story feels- the flow is perfect, the writing is so good, and Rory and Jess feel completely right and real. Something about this fic and this night pulls me in and makes me feel like I'm part of this hushed, secret world away from the world, traveling along with them on their pseudo-pilgrimage. The scene on the Brooklyn Bridge- perfect. Whispered words that you so beautifully understated, not spelling out the obvious and making it SO much more meaningful and impactful. I am in love with this story and in love with this version of Rory and Jess. Thank you writing it and sharing it with us. Oh also- that moment when Jess watches Rory smoke his cigarette- SO hot. Haha I really loved that part! :) :)
Angie Tribeca chapter 1 . 4/5/2017
Lovely. I like the style of the writing and they way he opened himself up. That was huge for him - monumental.
I liked the things he found hot. That kinda sounded like the Jess on the show, right?
Rory listened well, digesting.
This was vulnerability done right, romance for bookworms.
I love the entire scene in the book store.
Great job.
AJ Granger chapter 1 . 3/27/2017
This is amazing, so beautiful. I love that Jess informed Rory that she does demand a lot from him, things that she doesn't even get, that really aren't easy or known for someone with his past. This is so much better than what actually happened in the series. He needed to open up to her, and she needed to be called on expecting him to act like Dean had with calling and making plans, etc.
amgonyea chapter 1 . 12/4/2016
beautiful story
Kyrene once Blood Roses chapter 1 . 5/26/2016
Oh I adored this one. Running away before they got to that painful moment in season 4. Walking the city, seeing his life. This was heartbreaking but I think kind of what Rory needed to hear. I loved the moments where Rory figures out how much she's been missing. Jess tends to get in trouble for lack of communication but he's not give much to work with. Stressing patience, chilling out and giving it a chance, not expecting him to be what he's not while he gives her more so she can get it.

This was really just great. As always I want to know what comes next but I can imagine. And I maybe giggled a little imagining Luke and Lorelai's response. But oh the picture you drew of them falling asleep on the bus, returning home...the bridge! The part on the bridge! Ok, I'm done.
Tina0609 chapter 1 . 10/27/2015
That was really beautiful and absolutely how the episode should have ended.
Loved it!
KEMLEM81 chapter 1 . 6/20/2015
This was amazing.
MusicalCatharsis chapter 1 . 12/13/2014
That was beautiful.
Regina Halliwell chapter 1 . 10/31/2014
This is so perfect. Really beautiful.
MorgauseNokami chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
3. Still more love. Achy love. Agh. *melts over your jess and rory*
NotThereNeverAround chapter 1 . 11/14/2012
I read this in time-stolen chunks yesterday - while simultaneously kicking myself that I'd missed it a year ago - and wanted to favourite it immediately, but it more than deserves a review because it's breathtaking and heartbreaking and wow. So understated, yet so emotive, and I'm pretty sure I'm repeating myself from other reviews I've given you but these are all the words I have.

Two more: amazing. Thanks.
epythyne chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
So, at first when I started reading this and Jess is all let'srunaway I'm thinking YES. THIS SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED. I WISH THIS HAD HAPPENED.

And then they got to New York and it was all so horribly depressing and I thought "No. Not this. Anything but this. Poor Jess. Oh, my God. My bby. Jess. No."

But then the ending came and reflecting back on the entire thing, I really, really wish that something very very similar to this had happened in the series. Maybe on the day the Rory ran away to New York to see Jess because I very highly doubt under ANY circumstances, no matter how much Lorelai trusts Rory, she would have let her stay in NYC all night with a boy. But if this had happened in that episode my God my heart would have melted into a big puddle of goo and I probably would have cried and seriously how could they NOT be together forever after bonding like that, honestly.

Two things I want to point out:

"He reaches over the plate of fries in order to take her coffee and steal a sip and oh my God, she's a little in love with him for it because no one has ever done that except her mother."

That line broke my heart. Seriously. I'll explain why. I know it'll sound weird. But, after my boyfriend and I broke up, he and a friend and I were all hanging out in a coffee shop and when he thought I wasn't looking, he reached over and took a sip of my hot cocoa. Like it was just a normal thing No one had ever done that before, with me, except friends and I almost cried, because I was happy that we were still close enough to /share drinks with each other/. I know, I know, that sounds weird. But then I read that in this fic and it made me love it 1000 x's more, I don't know why.

"He takes a breath, running a hand through his hair. The gel is beginning to lose its hold, so a strand falls in front of his eye."

Seriously, just, like, I love you, okay, your attention to detail is impeccable and I never would have though to add "running a hand through his hair" as a detail in a story, let alone the fact that his gel was losing hold and a curl fell into his eyes and to me it's little details like that that truly make a good story. I don't know maybe it's just me and I don't know why but that line just made me like WHOA GOOD STORY.
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