Reviews for The Artist Formerly Known as Cowboy
AmandaKK1524 chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
I loved it! I laughed (probably TOO hard...) at the Katherine joke! :)
Kickin Taylor chapter 1 . 6/15/2012
Hahahha I get it bc I saw it on broadway...2wice

Thirteen Again chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
Oh my goodness! For some reason, I can picture this happening to our dear Jacky boy :) I saw the musical cast when they were on "Good Morning America", and it aggravated me because I HAD NO CLUE WHO ANYBODY WAS! Did the writers not KNOW there were cult fans of the movie? *le sigh*. Anyhoo, this was WONDERFUL, Rosey! Keep 'em coming!
Thirteen Again chapter 1 . 4/9/2012
Oh my goodness! For some reason, I can picture this happening to our dear Jacky boy :) I saw the musical cast when they were on "Good Morning America", and it aggravated me because I HAD NO CLUE WHO ANYBODY WAS! Did the writers not KNOW there were cult fans of the movie? *le sigh*. Anyhoo, this was WONDERFUL, Rosey! Keep 'em coming!
SilverShoes17 chapter 1 . 12/16/2011

I love it!
Mayarin chapter 1 . 11/29/2011
This was very entertaining!

You managed to parody the musical while keeping the movie newsies in character... very impressive!

Thank you for this!
Austra chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
Hahaha... hahaha... hahahahaha... laughed the whole way through! Rosey, you are a genius! Thank you so much for writing!

zoe alice chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
I didn't know that about Sarah and Denton. To be honest, though, I might like that bit better. I definitely do not approve of taking away Jack's epic cowboy-ness. Can I have a signed copy of that potato?
Hyperbanana16 chapter 1 . 11/27/2011
I love this story! I agree that the musical was a disappointment! I have not seen it but I watched the parade and king of new York was RUIENED! Newsies is an amazing movie and should never be changed! This was a great story and it made me laugh. At the moment I an sick and tired along with Jack so I enjoyed sharing my pain with COWBOY! (not the artist formerly know as cowboy)