Reviews for Underneath Your Clothes
Lybra98 chapter 1 . 4/18
Hahaha that was so funny, hot, and funny again. Lots of love for Kogure and Mitchi. Sendoh is love, please give him disney's boxers
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
God that was freakin hilarious...I laughed really hard at this.
OnlyDarknessAwaits1369 chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
So funny!
I enjoyed reading this fic...
So good!
gentletopainfulgaze chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
"rather like Sakuragi with a big yellow mouth, actually."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HILARIOUS! Can I laugh again? HAHAHAHAHAHA. That had me crack severely.

This is awesome!
nihongoneko chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
Haha. That was cute. :) It's complete, right? Because the status doesn't say "complete", but you said it at the end, I think.

sincerely, nihongoneko
Niiru-kun chapter 1 . 5/11/2008! hahaha. you kept me from studying though, and now i'm gonna fail my exam! :P
YoNoSoy chapter 1 . 1/19/2006
MWHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA... This is REALLY funny... x) I LOVED IT, it just felt so natural! I don't know, IC, xD funny and simple... It was amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us, you put a HUGE grin on my face *pervy giggles*
Hana Rui chapter 1 . 6/9/2005
oh wow! i've been scouring the net all over for this fic! this was actually one of the first anime fanfictions (and the very very very first yaoi fiction) i've ever read (i forgot on which site i saw this one, though). i just would like you to know that it made me laugh so hard everyone within a mile of me would have thought me insane. thanks to this piece, i developed an open-mind for yaoi fictions (and quite a perverted one too xp)

kudos! and thanks for the laughs _
Miss Hachigatsu Kuroi chapter 1 . 12/30/2004
I didn’t quite get some of the scenes, and I think I missed the pairings, but it was good for quite some laughs…
LadyDi chapter 1 . 11/21/2003
::laughs:: I have never seen this anime, but it's still funny. :D
Starian Princess chapter 1 . 1/14/2003
Weird! But I liked it! _ Keep up the good fics!
sLL chapter 1 . 12/11/2002

heheeh... just got one question...

where's koshino? *waves SenKosh banner*
The Poisoned Pen chapter 1 . 10/1/2002
funny! so funny that...*wheezes, then keels over*...ah! continue!
Ginnie chapter 1 . 9/4/2002

Ookay... my initial thought was that it would be disturbing... you know, becoz it's weird and twisted, but...

Waah, MakiSen? Eeewwww... ::starts puking::

Really hilarious! Disney Rulez! Hehe... I like Sendoh's taste in underwear...
taiyou chapter 1 . 8/24/2002

wow~ this is the first fic i've ever read where everybody DIGS sendoh! not that i'm complaining! _~

darn, i wish it was all senru, tho... oh well. LOL, its sooo funny, i was cracking up. rukawa... "sendoh... wears boxers."

WAIIIIIIIII~! *goes hyper again*
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