Reviews for Beautiful Flowers
Arya May chapter 1 . 12/20/2011
I liked this- a hell lot. It's really sad to see how China's fallen like that, but hey- it's what happened. Still, good job, good job.
Bittersweet Freedom chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
Oh, China. I do so hate to see you like this, but on the other hand, I love Iggychu! D:

Great story, and I love the flower comparisons.
Timpeni chapter 1 . 11/24/2011






Oh god oh god oh gooood you like IggyChu too? OH MAI GAWD this. -burns my rose bouquet- NEVER AGAIN, ROSE. NEVAH AGAIN.

And whenever I see the word 'proposal' I squee then I go 'OH WAIT IT'S BUSINESS' and become saaaad because I am an /IggyChu fanatic/ and will remain that way because it's one of the only pairings with a plausible and canon lovechild andandand widhaiuvdyeuthgbxh

As I crawl out of Facebook to check my email, I discover to my surprise a new story from you. AND IT'S /IGGYCHU/. So, like Noise, I click on it instantly due to the characters and this time I was right HECK YEEEEES. And the fact that China only has that 'aru' thing when he's speaking Japanese does make sense...



SORRY. Fangirling. Fangirling A LOT. And China compared with a feminine flower XD DON'T TICK HIM OFF, ENGLAND! HE CAN BEAT YOU UP /WITH A WOK/.

-end ramble because I got response to roleplay on FB-
PandaTeaLovers chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
Awwww...So cute!
merrygould chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
So...everyone who's a fan of Iggychu has written something about them except me. I feel like such a terrible fan. ;A;

Surprisingly, the darkness of England's character in this fic didn't bother me as much as I expected it to. China and England's relations are quite complicated, especially in the time of the Opium War. I liked how you described China...- should I say high? On drugs? - The part where he forgets that his 'rose' has thorns was quite a nice touch, not to mention the timing was near perfect.

This pair's so rare, I don't even care if the fic's pro or anti, so long as it's Iggychu. XD;;;

Well done. I enjoyed it. :D
zelda-ff chapter 1 . 11/23/2011
Wow! You captured the essence of this pairing so perfectly! England and China have such a complicated relationship, and this was just so perfect! And I think the somewhat anti-Iggychu feeling to the story works well and isn't a bad thing at all. Very nice job!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
I absolutely adore EnglandxChina~. (Or Iggychu, but I don't really like the whole "Iggy" nickname...) It's so rare to find a good fic with them. Even though I prefer fluff, and this really isn't all that fluffy... lol

But yeah, well done! I also love how almost every Hetalia fan has an unatural obsession with England's eyes. Like, they're just so damned pretty! I just want to rip them out and bottle them up and stare into them forever!

...But in a totally, not creepy, non-psychopathic way...

storyteller1776 chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
Oh, a very good fic indeed! _
CillianCrane chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
Wow! So gorgeous and powerful.