Reviews for Strangeness and Charm
from . Mountains chapter 9 . 3/26/2015
You wrote a truly empathising and one-of-a-kind (as far as I know) story; good job! Although I haven't read Kay's fiction, from others' descriptions I gathered I do not quite agree with some dimensions of Erik's character in her work-namely a slight incongruency of his personality I felt with that in Leroux's novel. So I was unprepared to find that your work, based partially on Kay's, left me with a very positive impression. This surely shows your choice of themes were universal as well as your convincing capture of emotions. Thank you for sharing this!
Adele1181 chapter 9 . 9/3/2014
A very good depiction of Erik as a boy - gives us an insight into his sensitive nature, and how his true nature was crushed by cruel treatment.

Very real characterization of Collette and the others (Madeline, the priest).

Very nicely done - I enjoyed it!
Juliahatake chapter 9 . 10/13/2013
This is an amazing story! I cried at the end! Keep up the fantastic work!
kalyla chapter 9 . 11/17/2012
I think you should definitely write a sequel to this of some kind. Something that shows that Collette did make an impreSsion on Erik's life. Maybe... Maybe he encountres Cecile during his life and they become friends and through Cecile he's reunited with Collette! (Or at the very least, his own mother). That would be cool! Already this idea is blooming in my head... If you don't write this story, I think I might just ask permission to build off of this fanfic and write it myself! PM me if you wish to respond. :) my username is 'Kalyla'
IRegretAllMyOldUsernames chapter 9 . 4/8/2012
This is, by far, one of the BEST fanfictions I've ever read. I can't wait to start reading the sequel!
IRegretAllMyOldUsernames chapter 6 . 4/8/2012
You know what? I can't even review anymore. I'm losing the ability to describe how utterly FANTASTIC this story is.
IRegretAllMyOldUsernames chapter 5 . 4/8/2012
I have no more words. It's perfect. It just is.
IRegretAllMyOldUsernames chapter 4 . 4/8/2012
This is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! I LOVE IT! I think one of the reasons that I'm so enamored by this is that I'm tired of all the horribly cliche romance phics. This isn't cliche at all. Congratulations! You have a new fan!
IRegretAllMyOldUsernames chapter 3 . 4/7/2012
I applaud you, my dear. I just keep loving this more and more.
IRegretAllMyOldUsernames chapter 2 . 4/7/2012
He's like the son she never had. :') Us women and our maternal instincts... Look at where they get us!
IRegretAllMyOldUsernames chapter 1 . 4/7/2012
Oh. My. God. My friend and I were just talking about the need for a fanfiction like this. I'm impressed! You've molded the idea beautifully! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Bazaar chapter 9 . 1/2/2012
I stayed up just to finish this story. It's completely and utterly fantastic! I loved the way you characterized Collette and her husband and all the other characters sprinkled around in this world. Erik's characterization was beautiful as well. I'm running out of ways to say this was by far one of the best Phantom fanfics I've ever read. You're a very talented writer, I'm excited to read the sequel!
phanpiggy chapter 9 . 12/18/2011
Bravo! Loved every minute of this fic! Congrats!
gravity01 chapter 9 . 12/17/2011
Aw! The roses part was just the best thing ever. And, even though Collette and Cecelia fell asleep, at least they were by his side, so he would have seen them when he woke. I wonder how much of a difference it made seeing friendly faces upon waking rather than a mother he believed still hated him.

And the part with Father Mansart and the acid... that was truly reprehensible. And the fact that he and Andre just shrugged off the burning of his little baby with acid as "whoops! Accidentally burned the wrong child!" And, it sure makes me wonder how long he's been doing this to Erik, if it was just 'business as usual'. Was the time when he was little the first... or had he been doing it even before then? The fact that Andre sanctioned (even assisted) it makes me really hate his character. I mean... would he do that to HIS child if she displayed behavioral issues? I doubt it, but the fact that he supported it in another child, and just let his baby be collateral damage... It's just disgusting. I kind of wish he HAD left... Although leaving Collette as a single mother would have just compounded their problems.

Well, yeah it was a bit of a downer ending (though the flowers were sweet and hopeful) I truly enjoyed this story. And I'm looking forward to the sequel. I wonder if Erik will be at all less crazy if he knows there's always a place he can retreat where he's accepted. A home-base, if you will, for when times are tough.
Thursday's Child-1297 chapter 9 . 12/16/2011
OHMYGOSH. That was incredible! One of the best I've ever read and so different. And the ending, ohmygosh, the ENDING. I am soooo reading the sequel. Great job!
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