Reviews for The Dead Walk
Angela chapter 1 . 7/12/2014
Fantastically written! Deans thoughts and emotions come through so clearly. It's amazing. I love this so much, you got so much just spot on. You, my friend, have a gift.
jess chapter 1 . 10/20/2013
This is perfect. This is probably the fiftieth time I've read it, and I love it more and more every time.
jennymichelle chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
I randomly came across this, I wish I could give a better review. The progression, Dean's thoughts, it's just wonderfully written.
jess chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Fuck, this was perfect.
I can't even...
Thank you so much for writing.

*goes off to read the sequel (and everything else you've ever written)*
Tentpsychopath chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
This is so good, I cry every time I read it.
iHamster chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
FINALLY I've been looking for a story like this. There isn't enough dancer!Dean fics, I can tell ya. Bookmarking this.
EtenalRest13 chapter 1 . 9/15/2012
This was AMAZING! Like you captured his mind set perfectly. And the way you wrote it,...that's second person, right? I felt so sad the closer it got to the end. The worse he got. It was really heart breaking. And how Cas sticks by him, trying. And how Sam, Jess, and Ellen worry. That look that he thought was them pitying the ex-dancer, how he miss interpreted that and a lot of different looks. So very good and sad. I would love to see a sequel if there isn't one already.
CryingFairy chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
This story is so beautiful, it's well written and it plants a seed of thought. I also like the way that you have interpreted deans character in this fic. It's perfect to read if you feel a bit depressed, but also good to read any other time. Really good (:
Zuza chan chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
You couldn't have chosen a better way to describe such a horrible disorder! And if anyone told me that I'd read a story with Dean, the Dean, having anorexia, I would have laughed, BUT THIS IS SOOOO GREAT! I'm gonna go read the sequel (thank god there is one! :D), and then review there! :))
Blume chapter 1 . 5/18/2012

for a momment there I was worried the 'goodbye' was longer and more terminal... and included red roses and coffins...

I am SO glad he instead choose to go the clinic! I'd really love to see more of this verse, but at the same time I'm so content with the ending that I don't think more info is needed!

nice work!

utterlyheartbroken chapter 1 . 3/25/2012
This is really lovely~

I was touched from beginning to the end ]

I only wish there was a sequel with a happy ending for dean, but i feel that this ending suits this perfectly.

Thank you for sharing
The Second Side of Happiness chapter 1 . 1/24/2012
Oh my lord, that was amazing. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first (like most, I found Dean as a dancer odd), but now that I have read this, I find you deserve every single one of the reviews you have recieved for this fic. They sum up how I feel about this. It was heart breaking and seems damn near professionally written. I love the way you didn't use much dialogue, and the way you twisted this idea to match Dean's personality, coupled with how Castiel refused to give up on him, even if he wasn't vocal about it.

And the ending, it just sort of... snuck up on me. It was a wonderful way to end this. Though, it was a bit of a cliffhanger, I can't imagine any other way to end this.

Good job.
Dotskip317 chapter 1 . 12/2/2011
Holy FUCK. This is spectacular. I really can't say anything else to it.
Cerulea chapter 1 . 11/24/2011
This story was really powerful. I don't think I've read one quite like it before. I've never thought of Dean as a dancer, but the way you wrote it made it seem to fit his personality so well. I loved how you highlighted his lack of self-confidence covered with cockiness, and how he pushes himself too hard. It was a good way of pulling the character we know and love into your world.

I'd like to think Dean has the strength to pull it together and get healthy and Cas has the fortitude to wait for him to do that, but I do like that you kind of left us on the edge. It's cool that it's unresolved. Not that I'd be disappointed by a sequel... (hint hint *wink wink* Please!).
HPSmallCharm29 chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
wow I loved this, great job!
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