Reviews for Death Of A Cheerleader
guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2017
Holy scrap now I'm full on sobbing
this story is so good, and it also seems realistic. Thank you so much for writing it!
SwifteForeverAndAlways chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
This is an amazing story, and the thing is, it could've realistically happened. Santana could've easily turned her anger at the world (AKA Finn) inwards and hurt herself. That's what makes this story so much more amazing and so much more heartbreaking. It could've happened. It could've happened as easily as Karofsky's attempt in "On My Way". He was a bully, turning his anger outwards...until it turned inwards. This story is just so amazing and heartbreaking.
Mileycfan4eva chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Very nice story I'm thinking of writing one of my own. Not enough Santana stories around.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
Could not, for the life of me, stop crying reading this. It's such a shame that it takes something like a suicide for bullying to be stopped, and my heart breaks because this really happens. Amazing writing, bravo.
muthafknstarboy chapter 1 . 9/4/2012
"Santana Lopez was going to go places. She was eligible for scholarships for cheerleading, singing and academics and if she didn't get them she still had a domineering personality that meant she was always going to be noticed by somebody. She was just one of those people who were always going to succeed, no matter what it was she was doing. She had the voice to be a performer, the personality to be a CEO, the athleticism to be a gymnast and the intelligence to be a doctor. But none of that was going to happen anymore."
I got teary eyed reading this but once I got to this paragraph I literally started bawling. You're an amazing writer please write more fics.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
I fucking cried. Just fuck this. Why the fuck? Fucking freaking Finnept and his big fucking mouth. Wait what? Oh my gosh! I blame Finn. Lol. I have this side that sometimes I hate Finn (SOMETIMES OKAY) because of the fanfics that I've read so far Finn is the 'villain'. The fuck dude? Jesus. Fucking hate him. Fucking freaking awesome oneshot.
QueenBee1212 chapter 1 . 11/30/2011
This made me cry so hard, EXCELLENT JOB. This is such an excellent story!

Infact, I love it this much

Guest chapter 1 . 11/22/2011
Beautiful :')
claireeleven chapter 1 . 11/21/2011
It took my like 5 minutes to stop crying enough to write this.

I love the little backstory you created and the way the school changed for the better. I like how even though Santana died, something good came of it.

I also really love the song :)
Kaito2150 chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
that story was so good it made me cry
UndercoverGleek chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
This is SO sad. I was crying half way through it. Great job!
xxnadiaxx92 chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
I literally cried. Good job.
timesrunningout chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
I loved it! Very bittersweet :) it was realistic and the song was good. Can't wait to see more stories from you :3
Random Dice chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
That was so sad, but probably accurate if Santana were to ever kill herself, amazing job.

i-cant-swem chapter 1 . 11/19/2011
I am always amazed by your work. This was really good, even if Santana had to die.
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