Reviews for Apple Blossom Summer
nayin17 chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
Love that Ginny didn't throw herself at Harry in the first given opportunity. I specifically adore September 1st
screaming internally chapter 1 . 1/25/2012
Aww. This is an adorable that is totally going into my Favourites. Thanks for writing such a sweet story.
thesecondshelf chapter 1 . 11/17/2011

I've been on an H/G kick lately and this certainly encouraged me to continue. I think mending his relationship with Ginny and meeting little Teddy Lupin would be at the top of Harry's to-do list for the summer after the war, and I loved your descriptions.

Thank you for sharing!

Stephanie O chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
Aww, such a sweet story! I really liked the parts where they danced in the rain, the apple blossoms needlepoint, and their "brownie" kiss...and what Harry thought Ginny's scent reminded him of! :) Nice story! :)

"...the most evil wizard to every walk this earth." [ever]

Harry is worried she [he] has somehow offended her.

"I can't bare to throw it away..." [bear]