Reviews for Not All That
CandyAngelBaby59 chapter 3 . 1/5/2019
Hi It's Again...Candy. Wow good story About Dean and Castiel I can tell they like each other so much Dean And Castiel. Well they keep staring each other eyes...they didn't kiss yet but they? I DIDN'T READ REST OF CHARTERS WHAT HAPPEN NEXT. WHY THEY DIDN'T HAVE SEX YET. But The Novaks family really likes Dean and Sam.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/17/2018
So so fluffy and wholesome! This whole story. I didnt check when you did this, but fuck it! Youre amazing, and so articulate, and competent. Hope youre still doing the thing!
unfittingpuzzlepieces chapter 20 . 8/27/2017
This was interesting. In a good way.
Firegirl6 chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
I love this story and it's so amazing but I personally feel like you are not describing Castiel and Dean's sexuality appropriately. The way you are describing Castiel's sexuality makes it sound like he is Demisexual. A demisexual is someone who only has sexual attraction with people he has a strong connection/bond with. Also could be Asexual/panromantic because clearly romantic and sexual attraction are two completely different things. and saying that Castiel is Asexual/Pansexual confuses things. Now Dean. With Dean you made it clear that he is pansexual but describing it as him being "a really horny bisexual" is offensive to both the bisexual and the pansexual community, IN MY OPINION. I'm writing this as conservative criticism and mean no offense. It's just that being Asexual myself I understand that there can be some confusion when it comes to sexual orientation. There are many different forms of Asexuality (Demisexual being one of them) and I would like to encourage you to do more research next time you choose to write something with not so well known/misunderstood sexual orientations
Elliebellc18 chapter 20 . 6/27/2017
Loved it! The ending was beautiful!
EvenIfYouLoseYourMind chapter 7 . 5/21/2017
I stayed up all night looking for this story because I read it way back in like 2015. It is such an amazing work of fan fiction. Every time I think of great Destiel au's I think of this one.
The story has been on here for so long so youre probably long gone and I doubt you'll ever see this. But if by chance you do, I love your story and hope you're doing well!
QuirkCirc chapter 20 . 4/13/2017
I could imagine no better ending for this fic than the one you miraculously provided. Well done!
QuirkCirc chapter 19 . 4/13/2017
I was not expecting any of the stuff that happened in this chapter to happen xD now I know why it's rated M lol but seriously you're everything so well it's beautiful!
QuirkCirc chapter 15 . 4/13/2017
To be honest I'm pretty satisfied how you went about explaining Castiel's asexuality. Since I'm asexual, myself I know quite a bit about it and I like how you portrayed it here
QuirkCirc chapter 13 . 4/13/2017
XD I laugh so hard at that line part
Wayward gryffindor oncer chapter 10 . 2/26/2017
You keep mentioning them having dinner at school- do you mean lunch, or what time does their school days run from.
chickenslovebone chapter 2 . 1/25/2017
At first I was a little confused with your story. I was under the impression that John was still a hunter in this world. I found it really difficult to wrap my head around the idea of Dean caring/worrying about what other high school students thought of him. why would he be afraid of physical violence, let alone their opinion when he had grown up in a hunters life. High school problems seem like the kind of thing that Dean would dismiss as unworthy of his time when he had so many supernatural problems to deal with.

This point was really bugging me until Dean mentioned that they travel around a lot because his father works for the military. Then it clicked for me that this wasn't teenage hunter in training Dean I was reading about, but the kind of person he could have been if he'd been aloud a normal life. This started to make a lot more sense then.

My advice would be to mention Johns work earlier in the story, probably right away in the beginning, because everything else seams like a very cannon version of their childhood and specifying that might help to get readers in the right mindset from the get go. Otherwise so far it is a very interesting story.
Bigjewlz chapter 20 . 11/30/2016
This story is amazing just...Omg. ...can NOT cope with how good it is. The feels, honestly and gabe cracks me up
SorrySucker19 chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
It was.. Interesting, but I hate how completely OOC Dean is, soooo, I'm probably not gonna end up reading on. Dean wouldn't be so chicken-shit about a bunch of High Schoolers making dumb threats. He'd probably talk to the novaks just to rub it in or something! XD anyway, as some constructive criticism, work on being more in character, because it wasn't just Dean, though the others weren't so blaringly obvious.
dzgirl11 chapter 4 . 8/13/2016
Gerard way is beautiful
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