Reviews for The Demon Plan
Taarena chapter 103 . 12/12/2019
Hello, dear author!
So far this is the longest fanfiction I've ever read. And I enjoyed it, every word. I like the world you have created and the way you have written your OC. And even the slightest OOC of the original Naruto characters is understandable. Thank you for the interesting reading and a great job! But, God, dear author, please, I am begging you, find yourself a beta! You have so many mistakes it hurts! Sometimes I hardly could understand what you were trying to tell! Please edit the grammar and spelling and your work will be even better! Good luck!
ShadoOfThePast chapter 17 . 8/3/2019
i just saw that this story is olmost 7 years old so nevermind me
ShadoOfThePast chapter 16 . 8/3/2019
how the **** did you come up with this i love it but how and so long i can't stop reading this tnx my friend
Guest chapter 103 . 6/4/2017
Hello I just love this story it has the 'feels' and can you please do this idea you can do most of the ideas/story but I help you a little bit please.

Sasuke harem:

Ok when sasuke comes back to the leaf and wants to be part of the council and wants to continue the uchiha clan but he needs a harem and because. Karin is a uzumaki who has a powerful life force she part of his harem next he wanted ino but because she dating kiba he cart have her because kiba is in a powerful clan so he made a deal with haishi that he can have hinata but in return he must marry hinata .

Ino x kiba:

Ino and Kiba have just started dating but when Sasuke tries to make Ino part of his harem Kiba stops sasuke because he also from a powerful clan so he cart have Ino .

Neji x tenten:

Neji and tenten are ANBU but are secretly dating because of the hyuga .

Naruto x Sakura:

Naruto and Sakura are getting married soon but with sasuke with so much drama and with hinata trying to win naruto heart thankfully hinata has failed but what will naruto and Sakura do when kyuubi says something big coming .

Narusaku kids (ideas what there gonna look like)

11 shinachiku face sheet by pumyteH
TDNBH uzumaki family by iwaki-San

Nejiten :

Naruto next generation OC - Hikari hyuga by Blackfairygirl

Ino x kiba

COMM: CodeHeaven by skyGiratina00

Hinata x sasuke

TDNBH uchiha family by iwaki-San

Karin x sasuke

Crack ships are the best ships(on tumblr)

(When you see the picture of Boruto and Sarada but with a new look/designs also at the bottom Sarada new look that's what sasuke and Karin daughter would look like)

Please do this idea please but you don't have to if you don't want to
Guest chapter 103 . 5/17/2017
Can you please do more stories of animals or demons animals and could the couples be

Narusaku -foxes
Kibaino -dogs
Shikatema -cheetahs
Kakashi x hanare-tigers

Guest chapter 98 . 5/17/2017
Wow naruto vs sasuke and Sakura vs hinata
Guest chapter 95 . 5/17/2017
I don't know what's scary sasuke being happy or orochimaru being sad
Guest chapter 90 . 5/17/2017
So cute but poor kiba he has to kill Shino and WHY SHINO

Guest chapter 88 . 5/17/2017
Wow sasuke being nice
Guest chapter 83 . 5/16/2017
Kinky muck
Guest chapter 71 . 5/12/2017
NNNOO akamaru
Guest chapter 61 . 5/11/2017
You rock itachi
Guest chapter 57 . 5/11/2017
I ship narusaku and now hinba
Guest chapter 48 . 5/10/2017
Wow so are there going to the fox demon land then
Guest chapter 39 . 5/10/2017
Poor Sakura also is that Sakura mum name Rin
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