Reviews for Our Inner Children
Stacy Hunt chapter 50 . 11/28/2019
beautiful story
robituputup chapter 50 . 1/17/2018
Absolutely lovely and funny! Thank you for the great reading piece!
Jynto chapter 5 . 9/28/2017
5 chapters in, and I'm afraid that something about this just isn't working for me. I can suspend my disbelief at Hermione and Snape being the same age because AU or whatever. (Wait this is AU, right, and not just a 20-something Hermione romancing a man old enough to be her dad?) It's just that they're so badly out of character, Snape especially. But for Hermione as well, she's swearing casually in one scene and forgiving Snape in the next for when in reality it should have taken longer to forgive him. This doesn't read like the beginnings of a healthy relationship.

And let's talk about the children. They feel less to me like actual children and more like walking plot devices. Why are they so eager for Hermione and Snape to get together? Oh right, it's because most readers are just going to accept the ship, regardless of whether it makes sense or not.

No hard feelings, but I don't think I'll be finishing this fic.
Guest chapter 46 . 3/4/2016
you mean mya
gerrylynnr chapter 50 . 9/12/2015
Awesome story I love it and thanks for sharing your writing.
Dagger-Seishin chapter 50 . 7/22/2014
Lol i e cream and jelly for all!
Lol Greta story was laughing my butt off the whole time.
Persephone'sCrown chapter 50 . 6/9/2014
This story was so adorable. I laughed waaaaaay too hard at some points. I love this story.
vampires-r-bloody-hot chapter 12 . 6/21/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
hnwhitlock2000 chapter 13 . 6/9/2013
I'm re-reading this and I have tears in my eyes.
Chasing darkness chapter 50 . 4/13/2013
Fan-freakin-tastic. Very cute and sexy. In my mind this is how things really ended - both a return to the humour and charm of the first few books, and a much deserved pairing of H.G./S.S. - because let's be perfectly honest, Ron Weasley isn't good enough for Hermione, and nobody deserves a happy ending like Snape. 3
aldknfeianfdil chapter 30 . 3/9/2013
I love the story! Hmm... this gave me an idea. Which I turned into my first story! It's called The Apprentice. If you could read it an tell me what you think that would really make my day. And I made sure to mention that I got the idea from this story. :)
Senshi at Heart chapter 50 . 1/30/2013
This was a great story! Wonderful job!
Rach chapter 2 . 1/23/2013
Nce concept, but too ooc for my taste. Good Luck!
hermionefan28 chapter 34 . 10/22/2012
she should do arabic belly dancing for him! men like belly dancing, belly dancing turns men on not that severus needs
belly dancing to turn him on, he would be turned on regardless! i know Arabic belly dancing!
hermionefan28 chapter 32 . 10/22/2012
how does Albus know about severus prososing to hermione? did draco tell him because severus didnt!
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