Reviews for Libélula
nyanko99 chapter 28 . 9/9
wooooooooooow! I binged read this story! tooo good tooo good... I hope you continue on and finish this story. It's the first of its kind I have read. Most story happen during the kidnapping arc or after the rescue. I have never read a whole story from the kidnapping and continung the story after ... it's amazing and I'm loving it! really hope you will continue. Stay safe and healthy
thestormwriter123 chapter 28 . 8/31
An extremely well done version of ulquihime. I really liked how long it took for them to actually come to terms with each other, and he process entailed. Hope younhavent given up on this fic
Ami chapter 28 . 4/30
I thought you had finished the story but damn I can't wait for what lies ahead!
Ami chapter 23 . 4/30
I share your thoughts on the ending of BLEACH too. Kubo really messed that up. Ichigo barely had a lingering thought about Orihime much less even cared to know her. Ulquiorra was the only one who tried to understand her heart. I am so glad I found your story after it was finished because like hell was I going to wait EIGHT years! But I'm sure to your old readers, the wait must be so worth it! Thank you for this wonderful piece. I haven't seen anyone elaborate on Ulquiorra and Orihime's character as closely as you did.
spoonspitter chapter 28 . 4/22
This is incredible. I love this version so much!. It really gives the best insight on every little detail. The absolute best break down of Hueco Mundo that i've read and really gives justice to some characters that I wanted to see a different side of. The angst between Ulquiorra and Orihime is top notch and I could not be happier about it. All of your characters are spot on but yet add so much more depth to what ive seen from the original. Only the biggest bravo to you for this piece. I enjoyed it immensely. Please continue your beautiful writing shenanigans!
AniStar13 chapter 28 . 1/24
I can't believe I'm only now coming across this fic. Your writing is so good. Looking forward to more!
Amacor16 chapter 28 . 1/5
Absolutely brilliant. I always hope for another update
cookiesandcream91 chapter 28 . 9/2/2019
Ok you can’t leave me hanging like this. You need to update...ASAP...

Also, with Bleach being over-ish, how do you maintain your motivation to keep writing ?
Ie-maru chapter 28 . 7/6/2019
Very interesting!
Guest chapter 28 . 5/6/2019
such a fantastic story better than the original

keep up the good work
Guest chapter 28 . 4/25/2019
*AHEM* I need MOAR pls
gooeystar83 chapter 28 . 1/18/2019
Omg, yes! Thanks for updating! Ulquiorra is back!
IkaruSakurai chapter 28 . 1/18/2019
Wow, I didn't expect an update so soon. :O That is a nice chapter, I like the way you manage Kurotsuchi, he is as cold a researcher as he should be. The only thing I missed was Espada's reaction to their resurrection as I thought there would be some shock and questions, and all.. But, well, the chapter is still very good and I enjoyed it. I tip my hat to you and this wonderful piece of art. Keep up the good work!
The Apocryphal One chapter 28 . 1/17/2019
It’s exciting to see an update this soon, especially one as important as this! Finally, the Arrancar are revived...and tossed into the Nest of Maggots D: Not unexpected, but depressing. Hope they can earn their way out.


Ending with Ulquiorra’s sensations as he’s revived...perfect. And perfectly written. I wonder if Orihime told the truth when she said he’d be done tomorrow, or if she’s trying to buy time? Poor thing’s been through so much in too short a time. Tessai’s detail of how she thinks she has to earn shelter because of her upbringing particularly was a sting of realism.

So yeah, Arrancar are back, and now I have no idea what’s to happen. Can’t wait to see it!
LylithB chapter 28 . 1/16/2019
Thank you for updating so soon, this chapter is fantastic. Very well thought, and it has opened so many possibilities. I cannot wait to see what's next.
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