Reviews for Chasing Ghosts
xrelocated chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
OH MY FUCKING GOD WAS THAT AMAZING. Yo, I'm a new fan of the show, and unfortunately, I haven't come across many good fics in a sea of fan content. But this...Oh my god. Your characterization is so on point, it's almost sexy. Idk. First person isn't a favourite for many, but Shizu's thoughts and actions were descriptive enough that it was enjoyable. And it was, in fact, creepy. When Celty mentioned that Izaya had died differently, I was wondering wtf was going on. I was thinking maybe Izaya didn't die; maybe it was just a horrible prank he was pulling. But... I like this sad, eerie ending. It fills me with grief. I want to think Shizuo managed to escape and left Ikebukuro, which had ended whatever he was experiencing. Ghosts, psychosis. Afraid if he ever went back, it would start again. But I think Izaya would haunt his mind, anyway. He'd probably never forget that night.

Anyway, I get that this is old, but I can't get over how good it was. Thank you for writing it. ;U;
Iren Whe chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
very good , I loved
LookForTheTruth chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
"I hope that didn't suck too bad.." my ass! That was so good! :D
I absolutely loved it! Really good!(:
Kawaii Booty Boy chapter 1 . 12/21/2012
Great fic :D Every sentence was a delight to read, and the eeriness of it captured me :3 One thing you could improve on would be *SPOILER* when Izaya visits Shizuo for the last time, to me it seemed Shizuo accepted it a little to easy. Maybe that's just me, but aside from being burnt alive i would be think 'HOLY SHYT HOW DAFUQ IS HE HERE. AS A SOLID OBJECT. ASHFUAHALD.' _ Keep writing awesome fics!
Sebastian's Kat chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
This was really good! I could imagine how terrified shizuo is
anime1hinata chapter 1 . 10/2/2012
That was awesome! And scary! I love it, and it has perfect grammar too (I'm a sucker for that XD) !
Awesome Empress chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
This was really good! I loved it! Poor Shizu-chan, but he deserved it! Keep up the good work!
chasurozu chapter 1 . 1/11/2012
HOLY... I wonder how I didn't find this before.

This is amazingly written, seriously. I enjoyed reading every sentence. It's these kinds of stories that make my heart clench; the guilt, the turmoil, just everything Shizuo was feeling! AND THE ENDING OMG THE ENDING- I was not expecting that.

I know I should probably be working on my story instead of stalking people's profiles but I'm glad I procastinated because I found this brilliant story. This is going on my favorites list and I'll probably reread it again sometimes.

I hope to see more working from you!
Mystic Shadow Demon chapter 1 . 11/28/2011
That was extremely intriguing. I love your idea for this and wish I coulda thought of it. I love how Izaya haunts Shizuo and wants him to die with him, saying things like "Because what are we without each other?". I think it's a very interesting way for Izaya to die and drag Shizuo along with him. And totally realistic.

It would be a shame if Shizuo were to actually die like that...Though I loved how you incorporated Izaya's trait of "thinking five steps ahead". It made it look like Izaya planned out this whole thing, especially the jacket thing so that he could trap Shizuo and get him to burn it, leading to his death. Seems just like the thing Izaya would do. And I don't think that many would be able to think of that. So kudos to you. That was extremely strategic and smart.
shinku chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
I loved it, it was amazing and I love your writing stile. :)

The story was sooo interesting and intense at some points and I found myself intrigued and couldn't stop reading, so cookies and kudos for your hard work! (3)/
Brie-kun chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
That was amazing!
kitty chapter 1 . 11/2/2011
good story! it would suck to die like shizuo did...
Guest chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
Amazing, i loved the concept of the story. Like how the hoodie keeps poppin up in diffrent places, and the dreams gave me chills! You should make this a twoshot and have eeverybodys reactions, like Celty freakin out, and shinara bein ~intriguded″idk, i just love this story, good job! :D
animeg098 chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
Oh~ another spectacular fic from you. Bravo! :)

The idea in itself it quite interesting and seems a bit psycological. I'd like to think that Izaya's death triggered the smyptoms of Schizophrenia inside of Shizuo and all he was doing was hallucinating and in the end accidently set his apartement on fire...So intriguing!

I have to admit though, it wasn't actually scary, you know the type that sort of makes you look at your closet and wonder if there's anything inside it, but I found the suspence overwhelming. The 'flea' idea was awesome. I can totally imagine something like that happening and Shizuo's expression scared shitless... XD

Overall, good job! I loved reading it and I'm happy that you had enough free time to write this wonderful fic! :)

I'll be looking forward to your next update on CITW. Seriously, I'm dying to see Izaya's POV! ;_;
bitter-cAnDy-sweet chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
That was trippy. I liked this a lot and I have to admit, parts of it actually took me by surprise. That was some extremely creepy stuff with the dreams but I do wonder how Izaya's jacket got in his house or if that was in Shizuo's head too. Great job anyway. Loved it!