Reviews for Need a Little Sanity
IcyPinkFlower chapter 6 . 10/6/2018
Pleeeaaaasssseee update? I absolutely love this! This story really has potential to it! Please update. I'll be waiting just in case! :D
Guest chapter 6 . 8/9/2015
Your story is really good and I love the ending with Robin owning batman, awesome
Artemis chapter 6 . 6/16/2015
Crash course-
A very good story/ storyline.
Please make more.
Your friend,
Lily chapter 6 . 6/1/2015
Don't let those reviews bring you down. This was one of the best fics I read for this fandom. I really enjoyed your inclusion of Red Arrow in the beginning as well how you explained Robin's response to the situation. Great job :)
Guest chapter 5 . 3/23/2015
Aww thats so like dick trying to protect others rather then himself. And i LOVED the wally dick bromance(their bestfriends!)! Loved this story!
turret towers do tower chapter 6 . 7/24/2013
"You aren't the only observant one, Robin," Artemis said in a slightly mocking manner

At the end of Crack in the Armor, it turns out he is...
turret towers do tower chapter 5 . 7/24/2013
Because Robin isn't an idiot. He would have had to have a reason to have rushed forward.
babyblue3752 chapter 6 . 10/3/2012
theSardonyx chapter 5 . 9/23/2012
You finished this last year, and you don't need me to review this, but still, I am... I've just read it, and I can say that I am impressed...

I like the plot... I actually didn't expect the ending... You showed me who Robin is, the guy who isn't easily overwhelmed... I like it when writers bring life to their characters...

So, all in all, you are an awesome gal...

Write on..! Yuna
Lenle.G chapter 5 . 8/13/2012
Loved this! It was brilliant!
Thanks for writing :)
Karin Matthews chapter 6 . 7/17/2012
ah screw what other people say. this was a seriously great story and then ending was really good. i love the way you made us think Robin was being reckless but then he had done it too save his friends i loved it.
Pica Britanica chapter 5 . 6/22/2012
This story is really good. I love the fact that you really go into Batman's mental process. You're an awesome writer.

Lakeshine chapter 5 . 5/11/2012
really good plot it was just organized a little... odd but you beat yourself up way to much it was a lot better then you seemed to think
a chapter 5 . 11/10/2011
This was a good story but I was not impressed with the way the team basically attacked him and he was just like nah its good. I feel like someone should have realized that they were being a little extreme; they didnt even give him a chance to talk. I was a little dissapointed because they said some very rude things; things that could emotionally harm someone. I just think it was a little too much thats all.
Jazzmonkey chapter 5 . 11/9/2011
Aww... i'm touched that you put me in your authors note! Thanks! I loved the ending. It was really peaceful, and TOTALLY robin like. I can just imagine him saying that to batman, shocking the heck out the hero. Pretty sweet.

Anyway, Good Job! Loved the story, and hope you write more!
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