Reviews for Whats the season?
Charboday chapter 3 . 8/13/2012
Call of Duty is awesome! I would play it with any of the VA characters anytime! :D
AlishaSK16 chapter 8 . 1/8/2012
I really llike it, but I can't wait till Rose first meets Dimitri and what she thinks of him.
LuPeters chapter 8 . 12/26/2011
Lol update
DarkSunshine24 chapter 1 . 12/9/2011
I loved it us soon please

LuPeters chapter 7 . 12/7/2011
Hahahahahaha I thought Rosa and Ambrose were gonna be into each other n when he said that there brother n sister haha u should have seen my face. That's really koool update soooooon :)
RosenDimitriforever40333 chapter 4 . 10/23/2011
it was really good
Chapa'ai-hi chapter 1 . 10/23/2011
This is great! Even though I don't know the book, I can still understand what's happening :)

Well done heeeheee :D
RosenDimitriforever40333 chapter 3 . 10/22/2011
it was really good
WhyDoVampiresSparkle chapter 3 . 10/22/2011
well that was a little confusing :) great tho :) ud soon pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
LuPeters chapter 3 . 10/22/2011
Yes more Mason pov
LuPeters chapter 2 . 10/21/2011
WhyDoVampiresSparkle chapter 2 . 10/21/2011
may i have some more? :)
RosenDimitriforever40333 chapter 2 . 10/21/2011
It really good update soon
Mini chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
Update update update update!(:
angela masson chapter 1 . 10/20/2011
carryon,seems like a great story,update soon well done .
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