Reviews for A Song of Honey
Shannyrox101 chapter 4 . 3/16/2014
So cute! I can't wait to
Shannyrox101 chapter 2 . 3/16/2014
I feel like a fool just smiling and giggling at my iPad...
Shannyrox101 chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
I am hooked. You've got a good strong foundation for a romance. Your way of writing just seems to keep me reading! :)
TwilightMelodic chapter 4 . 11/4/2012
Love it update soon!
yellowfirefly chapter 1 . 3/21/2012
I really like how you write this overall, it's so smooth and simple. I hope you update soon
letmedeletemyaccountchallenge chapter 4 . 1/18/2012
Awww~ I am so cgoing to follow this, now to ype up my own... WOOT~! ~
Sunbeans chapter 4 . 1/18/2012
Although I'm not one to go for an all out romance fanfic, this is coming together quite well and I'm enjoying it a lot.

One quick thing to mention; don't forget that they've practically just met each other. In order for your fanfic to be even more successful, make sure they get to know each other as the story goes on okay? So far though, you're doing great.

Hope to read more later,

- Syra
SilverEyeShinobi chapter 4 . 1/17/2012
Fantastic. Are you a musician? I am. Your words sounded like those of a musician. If you're not, I am completely stunned that someone who has never played music before can talk about tge beauty with such passion and detail.

I love Mikhail. I love tge fact that he's a musician (even if during tge music festival random flutes start playing from his violin XD) well I suppose that's all! Thanks for tge update!
MorWolfMor chapter 4 . 1/17/2012
Yay, I liked this chapter :) good job 0

cypruseyes chapter 3 . 1/1/2012
Really love this stories :D
CrazyDreamerGirl chapter 3 . 12/27/2011
I hardly review anymore, but I just had to log in and tell you that this story is absolutely beautiful! I love everything about it – the writing style, the imagery, and the characterization of everyone. It's been a long time since I've read a harvest moon fic this wonderful! I'm also incredibly glad that Mikhail is the love interest. I got this game recently for Christmas and haven't met him yet, but I'm looking forward to it so much more thanks to this story. I can't wait for an update. Eliza just acts so adorable around him. :]

Also, the scene with Yun reading tea leaves was probably one of my favorites. Reminded me a little of my grandmother, except she deals with Turkish coffee and not tea.
2 way past cool chapter 3 . 12/12/2011
Yes! I love this story! Also, it's the only fanfiction so far with Mikhail (curses) so thank you for giving me my Mikhail-fix! :D I cannot WAIT to read the next chapter!
WhatATangledWebSheWeaves chapter 3 . 11/9/2011
Squeeee! This is so cute. I would have reviewed this sooner if I had realized that you had written this D: But anyway I love this game myself I'm just using each save slot for a different town and a different love interest and Mikhail happens to be the love interest for my Bluebell save data XD Keep up the good work!
HorseGirl784 not logged in chapter 3 . 10/31/2011
Simply wonderful. I have plenty of things to say, so prepare yourself for a semi-long review.

Your's amazing. The sentence structure and word choice flow very smoothly and make this an easy read. Yet, at the same time, this seems so mature in how things are put together that it actually brings out the personalities of your characters. Mikhail, for instance. The way you write reflects the way he and Eliza speak, giving them more depth and making them the central focus of the story even more.

Grammar is flawless and spelling is even better. I have spotted only one mistake (I think) throughout the whole thing, and it was merely a typo. Chapter 2, after she nearly runs him over, there's a sentence at the end of a paragraph that says something like "...barely at her." I cannot pull it up right now, seeing as I am on my DSi, but I thought I'd point that out to you.

Imagery and description of characters are impeccable. I love the way you describe the various townspeople and their good and bad qualities. A lot of people will sometimes overlook stuff like that and describe a bachelor (Cam is a good example) as a flawless man that should have every woman swooning over him, given how he is written. Plus, the picturesque way you describe the various towns is very nice.

You have pinned the characters and their personalities perfectly. What else is there to say? Howard and Laney's father-daughter moment was adorable.

All in all, fantastic job. I'm very much so looking forward to more.

lecat chapter 2 . 10/30/2011
Very cute, I like how you wrote Mikhail.
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