Reviews for Underage Love
Miss sugar pink chapter 33 . 1/9/2018
Im reading this in 2018
Its amazing.
dialover06 chapter 71 . 11/24/2017
Just finished reading this amazing story! I shed some tears here and there but this by far is one of the best fanfics. I love you dedication to start this story as well as end it. Thank you soooo much for your hard work and time you put into this.
RavenPuffsUnited chapter 71 . 2/6/2017
You may think I am crazy but I started reading your story promptly at 8:15 AM, and I just finished it 16 minutes after midnight. Thank you so much for this beautiful story that captivated me from beginning to end. 3
RavenPuffsUnited chapter 20 . 2/6/2017
What can I say? You inspire me. I am engrossed in this amazing work of art that you have allowed to share with so many others. Thank you for capturing these characters to their core. 3
Natsuki Scarlet chapter 71 . 10/19/2016
Hi! I just wanted to say this is one of the best stories I ever read! When I first entered the uta no prince sama fandom, I was afraid that I might not find any decent fanfics..because uta no prince is not that popular and will only have few good stories. I am SOOO happy that there is one that is decent..actually decent is not the word I am looking for...Amazing! That's the word! :D Your writing style is really great and so detailed! I don't think I even saw any grammatical errors! ;) I like how you really made the plot deep and dark..You gave the characters dark pasts and that really made the story much more interesting. I am not saying I don't like how the characters in the anime are lighthearted..Its just that this is a nice change.. :D Though, it did make all the characters OOC..But I totally don't mind it because you gave them deeper personalities. I also like how Haruka in this story has a lot more personality and guts. I didn't really the personality of Nanami a lot in the anime..In here, she is a lot more braver and seem more you get what I mean? Kinda hard to
Anyway, the plot is pretty interesting..A homeless pianist and a rock star huh? Nice! :D At first, I was very reluctant on reading this story because of the main pairing..I don't necessarily dislike Ren but I would say that he is not my favorite favorite.. However seeing the other side pairings gave me a pause..I would say Masato is one of my favorite characters..Plus, this IS one of the best fanfics so I decided to give it a try! NOT REGRETTTSS! I totally would have regretted it if I hadn't read this story.. :D Thank goodness that it has 71 chapters..More for me! Yum! :) I was devastated when I finished this fanfic...I was crying my heart out.. :'( I am like, "I want more MORE!" XD

Also I just wanted to add in that when I started to read this story, I started to like ren more and more..He's just so hard to resist.. lol I like his moments with Nanami..but I was quite disappointed on him when Anri had made her appearance..also I hated it when he proposed to Anri and even agree on having a baby.. Still, I guess out of all the characters, Ren had a highest personality development..Still, even though I like Ren, Masato would always be my top oneeee Thinkin about his moments with Nanami here just makes me wanna squeal! :) One part I really remember vividly was when Nanami said she heard the sound of glass shattering(masato breaking nanami's ice shield around her heart)...I was like, "GOOOOO MASATOO! GET THE GIRLL!" Even in the end, I was still rooting for Masato to win. I got sad when I learned Ren won..But when I visited your profile and saw your other stories, I was shouting in happiness! YESSSS! ALTERNATIVE ENDING! I can't show you how grateful I am for that ending..It GAVE me a closure and sense of satisfaction when I finished it. I am really glad that Masato got the girl..He deserved happiness! ;) Though I was pretty shocked when I learned that August was still alive in the masato ending..I really preferred that ending! I kinda wished though that August had talked to Nanami in the end..Oh well he has a wife and a child.. :) Also I forgot to add that I like the Ocs you made..Many authors usually makes the villain corny and cliche..I love how you reaally gave Anri a reason on why she wanted revenge..a logical reason..In the end, I guess I couldn't fault her for doing all those stuff.. Louis, on the other hand, well there is one word I can sum him up.. Sociopath..XD

Anyway, this is really one of the greatest fanfics I ever read! I will never forget this..You had put me into an emotional roller coaster and I love that. Your vivid descriptions captured my attention completely! :D The drama is absolutely amazing! :D I hope that someday, you will make more stories for Masato.. :D Take care and good luck!

PS:Do you have any recommendations of fanfics for MasatoxNanami..?
I get a feeling the other stories would even compare to this story..Its gonna pale in comparison.. *sighs* Well, must be optimistic! Hvae a good day! ;)
DarkJewelRomani chapter 71 . 9/23/2016
So, I finished this story today and i loved it. YOu have a well crafted piece here. My only real criticisms are it's not "damned you", it's "damn you". Frequently throughout the chapters you use damn wrong, but its nothing serious. My big complaint is that you just didnt give Satsuki and Natsuki enough time. I feel like their romance(s) were kind of cut short. It could have been interesting to see her more in depth wiht them seperate or together as a trio. Still, really well done. Thank you for your work.
KamilahKaliope chapter 71 . 7/16/2016
I just finished the story
In a day.
Non stop reading helps me going through every bit everu corner of this amazing fanfiction. I know that many must have told you how much the story is amazing, but I still want to say it myself. Thank you for being such wonderful writer and wrote this piece of art. Honestly, thank you. As weird as it sounds, my favorite male character is August. Lol I felt my heart broke when he died and cried a river.. Your OCs are so believable and I love them so much.
Guest chapter 71 . 7/14/2016
I just finished this series and I gotta say... It was beautiful. I felt my heart race along with harukas, i felt the loss of August, and I was conflicted the entire story. I absolutely loved this. When I saw the ending and when August died, I was shocked. I could have seen an ending where she falls for August even though he's dead just because of that event.
Although I will admit for some reason the entire one I imagined August looking like Cecil hahaha
An aspiring writer who loves many of your works
Guest chapter 19 . 4/30/2016
andyendy12 chapter 14 . 4/20/2016
Please Masato
kuro usagi121 chapter 71 . 12/26/2015
Awwwe that's it ( I feel like crying now )
blue chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
I love you're story
Angel Lilica chapter 71 . 7/23/2015
I have an request,if only you could revive and do the Cecil Muse because TokiyaxHaruka is my favorite couple in uta no prince-sama,Please..But it's okay if you don't..
Guest chapter 71 . 7/22/2015
Would absolutely love love LOVE endings with Masato and the Shinomiya Twins. You made my fangirl soul jump for joy with this story, and I'm a sucker for happy conclusions for everyone, so please make endings for all the bishōnen!
XxRockahollicaxX chapter 70 . 7/4/2015
Senpai! Tha update is brilliant! Finally! A chance for both of them to be happy. They both deserve to be happy, given the favt that they have suffered enough. I love how Masato is like an older brother to Haruka, he, helping Ren is a sign of how much he matured over the years, the possessive Masato is long gone.
This has been one of the most beautiful fanfics that I have ever read.
I hope there will be an epilogue (fingers crossed) thank you for updating this fic even though you are very busy with school and work. I will miss sending long reviews to this fic.
Kudos to you senpai!
Virtual hugs and kisses.
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