Reviews for More Like Two Different Coins
ScarletRainbow1 chapter 18 . 6/26
I love this story, but your last update was October 2013. Please, I know it's been awhile, but I hope you can see your way clear to return and help Harry, Draco and the gang to stop Mordred and Voldemort, and Morgana.

Idea...Hermione is NOT a "muggle" born witch; she is a direct descendant of a 'pure-blood' family through squibs, as well as a reincarnate of another from Camelot.
Elizabeth loines chapter 18 . 6/14
Please continue it’s great
greenthumbslytherin chapter 18 . 6/1
After all this time I'm certain this is abandoned, but I just wanted to say I hope you are okay! This fic is one of my favorites, I've definitely read it at least three times :)
Guest chapter 18 . 5/7
need more
inuyasha16451 chapter 18 . 4/11
Omg. Please please come back and update this amazing story soon
wolfgirl232323 chapter 18 . 3/23
If you have time can you please update?
jltavare chapter 9 . 11/24/2019
I hate Hermione. Can she just be killed off? Pleeze?
Kiki1770 chapter 4 . 7/16/2019
It's good to reread the classics. I'm not sure how many times I read this story, but I can't help but wonder what the story would have been like if Harry continued to keep the Merlin identity a secret from Hermione and Ron. On the other hand, I think it's unique that you revealed it so early. Secret keeping in the Merlin fandom is clashing with the secret revealing in Harry Potter fandom.
theawwesomeeridan chapter 18 . 10/16/2018
Good morning. I know how strange it can feel getting a review on such an old fic, trust me I have abandoned ones of my own. I only very recently got back into the fanfic community, after many years of joining new fandoms. Your fic reads so well, and your characterizations, both of the original characters and of them meshed with their past lives, are done nearly flawlessly. I love your writing style quite a lot, and was disappointed that the fic had not come to a natural end. I do understand how dificult it can be to come back, which is why I am not asking for that. I simply want you to be happy with whatever it is you have chosen to do since then.
Wika0304 chapter 18 . 10/11/2018
please update, it's great
Mismatched Melody chapter 18 . 8/29/2018
Clariqueen chapter 18 . 8/5/2018
Wow this was really well thought out! I REALLY loved the parallels between Harry and Merlin, Gwaine and Sirius, and especially Draco and Arthur. You engineered it so that he only had a horde of followers because of his money/power, and not any real friends, just like Arthur. The connection between how he said sorcerer and the way Draco said mudblood was especially inspired. I was immensely impressed with how you handled Draco's shift, how you balanced the Draco traits with the Arthur traits, and left Arthur as sort of a separate entity inside his head. Your voice for Arthur was totally true to character, and yet transformed by the wisdom of his many years of ruling. I laughed aloud the first time I figured out that Hermione was to be the reincarnation of Morgana, because that actually fits extraordinarily well, if you discount the going-evil thing. And that's just the character m s. Then there's there's the plot. It was so lovely! The only thing I'd say could be a little better are the cliffhangers. You want to move from their current level, which is "I insisted on finishing this before going to sleep despite the fact that it's 4am" to the level of "refused to put it down even long enough to go to the bathroom."

But serially, incredible job and I'm going to go check out your page now looking for a sequel, ok? :)
Guest chapter 18 . 6/23/2018
Please please please update! It’s been so long and this story’s sooooo good! I need to know what happens next!
demi-witchdaughterofHades chapter 18 . 4/30/2018
I know that it has been quite a few years since you updated but can you please post soon? This is a WONDERFUL story and I love the plot. Thank you for the time it took for you to write this gift to us.
Bubblekins1010 chapter 18 . 2/8/2018
DUN DUN DUN. This is exciting! I'm super excited to see what happens next!
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