Reviews for Frostbitten
mockingbird13 chapter 14 . 1/30/2019
She got away with the feather! Oh geez, that's bad!
Thank goodness Arthur is alive at least.
It's still a decent end to a day when they can all still banter about it.
Anyway, thanks a ton for sharing this fic with us. It's a very entertaining read and I enjoyed all the little twists. I'm definitely going to check out your other fics now ;)
mockingbird13 chapter 13 . 1/30/2019
Phoenix feather? Sweet.
Good fight scene, too bad Merlin has to be sneaky with his magic.
The snowball was a cute idea.
Arthur better not be dead! I swear, first Lancelot, and now this! I would guess that he's just passed out and looks really really dead and Merlin's going to freak out and then he'll like cough and reveal that he's actually alive...but the mystery item is a PHOENIX feather so...maybe he is dead?
And Merlin could use the feather to resurrect him? I honestly don't know.
At the very least, Merlin might not need to hold back against Morgana right now. I mean, unless he still wants to keep his magic a secret from her, too. But he might be too pissed to care about his secret if Arthur's dead. Really hope he's just passed out, though.
mockingbird13 chapter 12 . 1/30/2019
Yay! Magic to the rescue. Good job, Merlin.
Also, Gaius is correct to call him a stupid genius.
At least he grabbed the feather, though. And they're alive.
And now Morgana! Of course she'd come to take the feather. I can't blame Arthur and Merlin for dropping their guards, though. I also expected her to wait until they made it back to the castle before pulling something.
mockingbird13 chapter 11 . 1/30/2019
Oh geez, oh geez. Ew, ew, ew! Poor Gallahad! That was definitely horror flick material.
Also, I knew it! Crab monsters! Yuck!
One of those things had better not eat Arthur!
mockingbird13 chapter 10 . 1/30/2019
Phew, that was a close call. Thankfully that giant squid didn't seem super hostile.
Whatever has Gallahad on the other hand...that must be one of the clicking/hissing things. I'm guessing crabs since there's a lake but I could be wrong.
Although it looks like I'm right about Gallahad becoming another casualty...poor dude.
mockingbird13 chapter 9 . 1/30/2019
Oh geez! That can't be good! Bad feather! Bad feather!
mockingbird13 chapter 8 . 1/30/2019
At least Merlin still had the map. That's a stroke of good luck.
Oh geez, I don't like those clicking and hissing sounds. Serkets? Giant spiders? Crab monsters? I'm pretty sure we'll find out at some point...
Maybe it's a good thing that the cave-in means Merlin has to go ahead alone for a bit? I mean, if he has to use magic, he'll be relatively free to do it without being seen...But on the other hand, he'll have zero backup until Arthur and Gallahad clear the rubble...
Well...the object seems pretty? I'm still suspicious, though. Something with all those tunnels and protection and deadly traps probably isn't harmless...And Morgana wants it. So that's never a good sign.
Really curious to see what it does.
mockingbird13 chapter 7 . 1/30/2019
Oh, thank goodness! Lancelot is okay! I was really worried there. I forgot about the shield.
Haha, poor Arthur. Pretending not to know the word was a good prank. Trust Merlin to inject some humor into a situation.
"Nowhere"...hmm. I was close. Kind of had the right idea. I might've overthought it a bit, actually.
Oh Arthur and Merlin and Gallahad are separated from the rest. And as an unfamiliar knight, I don't fancy Gallahad's chances of surviving this story, lol.
mockingbird13 chapter 6 . 1/30/2019
Wow, really loving this fic so far. Enchanted winter is a really cool idea, too. Same with some mysterious creature/thing/artifact? beneath the castle. It makes sense that Uther might've hidden a bunch of other dangerous magical stuff/creatures down there. Or maybe this thing is from an earlier time, kind of like how Sigan's tomb was dug up. I'm interested in find out what it is. I have a feeling it's not friendly, though...
Love seeing Merlin get to show off his smarts, too. Although he better hope Arthur doesn't start wondering why he can read the language of the Old Religion. That might get him into trouble. He could probably use studying threats under Gaius as an excuse, though.
The traps are a neat touch, very Indiana Jones, but now I'm really anxious about Lancelot. I hope that arrow's not poisoned! Although I guess if Merlin has to secretly heal him, there's less risk involved since Lancelot already knows about his magic. It'd still be hard to do that with Arthur and all the knights right there, though...
OoO and I absolutely love a good riddle!...I'm going to guess..."Silence."
Mostly because of that last line "I am only there if you are not."
But it might also be "death"?
This is a tricky one. I'm trying to think of things that are basically "nothing."
Hmm, guess I'll have to find out in the next chapter!
oblivionrain chapter 12 . 11/1/2016
What I think are mistakes-
First. Sunlight? I thought that 1. it's night... 2. it's snowing for goodness sakes!
Second. Leaning a wall, forcing his eye open a slit?Is it just me who thinks that you've missed a few words there, friend?

shadowkat678 chapter 3 . 7/11/2014
You know, I have not a clue why you say these are so bad, because they're amazing! Characterization is spot on, it's simple yet descriptive (something I struggle at. Wish I would do those light, simple tones.) and dang the plot is great too!
HaveACuppaT chapter 14 . 9/15/2013
Aww that was really cool XD
SerenityPendragon chapter 14 . 8/23/2013
Yay! Another great story! I'm glad arthur lived. Well on to the sequel! :D
SerenityPendragon chapter 13 . 8/23/2013
SerenityPendragon chapter 11 . 8/23/2013
Ahh! Don't hurt Arthur! :(
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