Reviews for Follow That White Boy
Guest chapter 4 . 3/14/2014
Omg please make more chapters this is awesome!
Broadway Evanescence chapter 4 . 2/15/2014
Omg OMG please update this soon! I cannot wait!
Broadway Evanescence chapter 3 . 2/15/2014
Stupid Kevin lolol this is awesome! I just can't. I love how you're events are actually baked up with truth from that time.
Broadway Evanescence chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
Omg I've been waiting for the perfect "segregated" like fanfic just like this and you have made my dreams come true! This is too cute so far!
GemDoy chapter 1 . 6/3/2012
This is perfect on so many levels:

The characters are constructed beautifully and are so believable. Nabalungi's honesty is so endearing I love her so much. Arnold's awkwardness is so in character and written so it's adorable and not annoying which is a difficult thing to do and you've done it so well. The new take on Kevin is interesting and I'm looking forward to see what direction you'll take his character in now that he's found out about Arnold and Nabalungi.

I love AUs and this is so interesting and I love this time period. You've picked a difficult subject but you're handling it expertly. The dialogue suits the time period and you've clearly done your research.

Nabalungi is my favourite character and I'm so pleased she has a fanfiction where she's not just a side character.

Overall, this story is perfect I love the characters, plot and setting, so basically everything. I can't wait to see what happens next so please update soon! I'm looking forward to the next chapter so much!
BlueRose1313 chapter 4 . 5/17/2012
Yay new chapter! Arnolds got some xplainin to do
hasadigaeebowai chapter 4 . 5/15/2012
I don't know how it's possible that I'm just seeing this now, bit this is so incredible. Nadine's so adorable, Arnold's so... Arnold, and I'm liking the darker take on Kevin. An impressive fic. Clever idea, great writing.
BlueRose1313 chapter 3 . 4/23/2012
Awesome story, i cant wait to see what happens
elder-watson chapter 3 . 2/9/2012
aaaaah, this is so perfect. There's not enough people like you in this fandom.
Hugo Purist chapter 3 . 12/28/2011
Oh, this is perfect! Your understanding of the characters is flawless, and it allows you to truly delve into and neatly handle a drama centered relationship, and again successfully breach an attempt at Kevin's unique strand of selfish comedy. Also, your writing style and historical research complemented eachother perfectly. Thank you, and I await further updates!
CherryIce1988 chapter 3 . 10/17/2011
Ok I've read this like 5 times today, I'm like totally obsessed with this story
myspiderwebsitar chapter 3 . 10/16/2011

I love this, I really do.

I mean, you totally killed my love for Kevin, who I only just established today was my absolute favorite but ugh you are fantastic my goodness.

Here's why-

1) Your writing is just so good. I don't know what it is about it but I just love your style. It's interesting. It's smart.

2) Kevin, oh my God. Cause I keep writing about this stuff where Kevin's scared of people being intolerant towards his relationships and then there's this which is the exact opposite and it's fascinating. Such a good idea. (Also, hilarious, in a caricature way but very poignant when you realize how realistic it is.)

3) Your Arnold and Nabulungi are flawless, perfect, incredible, realistic, etc etc etc not enough adjectives

4) I just love where this is going okay- I know my prompt was about marriage but I wasn't expecting it so soon. I love it!
Isabella387 chapter 3 . 10/16/2011
Kevin Price hates communists. That is all.

Still so very much in love with this story. Everyone is spot on.

The only mild critique that I have is that Arnold's constant stumbling is a little difficult to read at times. I mean I get the point that he's nervous, but even when he's nervous in the show he doesn't stumble that much.

still completely in love with this like no other fic on the planet.

Isabella387 chapter 2 . 10/11/2011
*bows down* this is brilliant. Just completely and utterly brillaint. I love the pace and just the pure beauty of it. And the way you warped the names actually work. I am so much pride because this is fabulous.

Updates soon? Please? Yes?
myspiderwebsitar chapter 2 . 10/11/2011
okay me again



Wow, I really loved this. Starting from the top:

That quote is disgusting and fits so perfectly.

Your characters are flawless and the writing style is smart and gorgeous and funny.

The racism is ~heartbreaking~ and the kiss was- really great my goodness.

Yeah, this is just fabulous.
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