Reviews for Twisted Fantasy
Lady Blackhat chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
Yeah... perfectly sensible and sane thing to do...
SoulSoother59 chapter 1 . 10/10/2011
Eeeeeep! This was truly amazing! :D

I loved the tension between them, she was soooo serious to start with but he easily broke through her barriers. I can't believe this came from a conversation with Katie. LOL!

I can picture the fact they almost got caught being an adrenaline rush, there's nothing like a bit of danger ;)

Amazing one-shot!

Laaaaav you!

moxxie23-deactivated chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
Every now and again, though it comes few and far between, I'm lucky enough to find a story that pulls me in so far into it that it actually feels like I'm a fly on the wall in that particular scene... or in this case, the person who nearly caught them. :P

Great job Lou!
WhatImZayn chapter 1 . 10/7/2011

OMG this is fantastic!

Everything about this story is amazing. Your attention to detail is impeccable.

I was hooked from beginning to end.

The chemistry between Jenna and Stu from the get go.

The smut was hot :)

Fantastic job Lou 3
DefinitelyProbablyMaybe chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
Well, I love our conversations to be honest. And I'm also fucking glad that I got you to write this instead of me, because I wouldn't be able to make it even half as good as it turned out. :)

I really like your attention to detail; I've noticed that with every new chapter or story that you write, you're always improving on that and it's great to see.

Obviously I like the fact that Stu is a badass in this. Fighting, getting arrested, jail cell, being a twat and then being all hot. UNF UNF UNF. The whole situation is just totally hot, but you already know that.

Can I just be her please?

Everything about this was awesome and I loved it loads. GLAD WE HAD THAT CONVERSATION, HAHAHA.

Lavyousomach xxx
ThatGirl54 chapter 1 . 10/7/2011

Oh I do love your writing so much :) And DAMN. This was in no way pointless, are you insane, woman? This was yet another incredible story from you :D Loved it to pieces.
Barretts chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
That wasn't pointless at all, it was AH-MAZ-ING! You two should have more conversations of this type,lol..
NightRaven224 chapter 1 . 10/7/2011
I'm so sad that this is a one-shot! The whole story was awesome i especially like the part about that happening in a jail cell. That was epically awesome!