Reviews for Désirs Noires
Guest chapter 8 . 6/17/2019
I hope you pick this story back up it’s amazing and I love it! You’ve done a really great job (w) xoxo
Guest chapter 8 . 6/6/2019
OMG this is so amazing! I hope you decide to continue this! ️
AnimalLover4 chapter 8 . 1/17/2018
Great story hope u add another chapter soon.
BloodyBlondeVamp chapter 8 . 10/5/2016
Please update soon :)
CraziOtaku200 chapter 8 . 7/3/2016
I really like how this started! The events make sense too, and the Sebastian trolling though. XD
I see it's starting to follow the actual plot line a little. He he he... I wonder if Grells gonna come in here...
Anyways, I hope this gets updated again some day!
Hana13 chapter 1 . 5/8/2016
SO GOOD! Please continue! :D
Kimmy chapter 8 . 3/1/2016
Why did you stop?
Guest chapter 8 . 11/24/2015
This is beauty, this is grace, it punches all other Black Butler/Fem!Ciel fics in da face.

Seriously. Omg. "One hell of a boyfriend" indeed! I love the canon aspects, like the past flirting with the present... The modernization, the awesomeness, the characters still so true to themselves. Glorious! ONE HELL of a fan fiction!
Guest chapter 8 . 6/14/2015
I hope you finish the story it has a really good plot line so far. I would really love to see how their relationship develops beyond predator and prey.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/7/2015
Usami Hana Haruka chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
If it was black desires it should be désirs de Noire's wouldn't it? Meaning literally desires of black. Its what my French teacher told me
Alice aquabld chapter 8 . 6/3/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14/2015
Hi! Alright, so I've been searching for a fanfic like this for FOREVER. I feel like you portray both seb and ciel's personalities PERFECTLY, plus the story line is great :) please please please continue! Thanks :)
halfblood hufflepuff chapter 8 . 3/28/2015
I love how you incorporated canon elements, and that the crew is reincarnated
also loving the twist with Sebastian declaring himself her boyfriend LOL (actually I thought he'd say "manservant" but I guess that's too much) omigosh can't stop grinning, also expecting Ciel to take down the sick bastards that beat her up... Question is why didn't sebastian interfere? Like did he purposely wanted her to be in a desperate state so that's she'll make a contract with him? Also saying how his hand on her side feels familiar, I'm wondering if there was an actual Bl relationship in the past life haha... And I feel like the whole "history repeats itself " with the series of events going on... It's be sad if the aunt dies but well ... I wonder
Toxic-Mind-Honey chapter 8 . 3/23/2015
I-I know you haven't updated this in 3 years but could you please pick it back up!?
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