Reviews for Boobalicious
briana.schmidt1 chapter 2 . 2/10/2015
I know it inappropriate, but threesome between Maddie, Russia and Prussia?
DONTCAREABOUTNAM chapter 2 . 6/24/2014
it would be funny to see the Italies...
Washy-woman chapter 2 . 8/20/2012
okay I need to say yes. Just yes.
I love Iggy getting boob envy, I myself have a friend who is *ahem* heavily endowed. She makes me jelly with her like size "E" boobs or whever.

I just think I should tell you this since it strikes me as funny, my circle of friends are very touchy feely so we go around groping each other all the time. I was just reading this chapter and thinking "wow, there is a lot of boob groping going down here." Then I just remembered how my friends are always going around grabbing my boobs since until just recently they didn't even know I had boobs.
Angel of the Midnight Sea chapter 2 . 12/31/2011
*facepalms at the lack of decency my country has* Now that I think about it...*remember the many things my classmates have said and done* Nevermind T.T
deskdraik chapter 2 . 11/4/2011
¿Rusia? Por que definitivamente Rusia le gana a USA en el tamaño de los pechos~ XD, ¡Quiero verlo celoso! XD y quiero más fruk ¿Es mucho pedir? XD jaja gracias, espero el siguiente! w
Maere Mara chapter 2 . 10/22/2011
CV Ping chapter 2 . 10/20/2011
The Italies? :)

Oh, Germany. I didn't understand either. You see, Deutchesland, men happen to like woman with huge breasts-which is kinda disturbing- and so therefor a lot of woman want bigger ones. Oh but then there was this lady my mother knew who's breasts were so big she had back problems. So, people like that-and me- are fine with it.

Anyay, keep it up~
ficfan3484 chapter 2 . 10/19/2011
I like what you've got going on between the characters~ I'd like to see Hungary. Some more America and Canada too...please~
Impostor chapter 2 . 10/19/2011
Japan, China, and Korea please.
Impostor chapter 1 . 10/19/2011
I can relate, Prussia. ;_;
8annie81 chapter 1 . 10/6/2011
KD Germany and Prussia probably would have conversations like that if they were girls :)
dicaeopolis chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
OMIGOD. INSANE. COINCIDENCE. I wrote a fanfic called Boobalicious too. Whoa. Whoaaaaa.

(Yes, I art overreacting. :S)

...Does your MS Word dictionary recognize 'boobalicious' as a word too? Cause mine does. O_O
kerricarri chapter 1 . 10/3/2011
It's the imagery that does it for me. Prussia, with absolutely no body shyness, flaunting small boobs in the mirror. It's the little details that count like the way she holds up her bra. And of course Germany's offhand note that North and South Italy use each other as an acceptable standard of comparison. Clueless Germany! I like this.