Reviews for GTNG Ongoing OneShots
Aregal chapter 5 . 6/7/2013
Poor Libby's head xD Great chapter as always, though I would have enjoyed reading Jimmy being killed by Libby or Cindy, preferably by Cindy, that way there would be more blood... hehehe Keep writting!
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 5 . 6/4/2013
Heh, I really like the Jimmy and Libby's scene. Pure coolness.

Keep the good writing.
Aregal chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
(SPOILER?) AWESOME! :D Im going to enjoy this fanfic soooo much! *w* Now i want to see (or read) so many things! like when Future Cindy says "Killing me, won't save you" *-* Of course it won't, No one mess up with Cindy xD And looks like Evil Jimmy and Evil Cindy are going to be allied with everyone, it would be so weird having Future Cindy, Future Jimmy, Jimmy, Cindy, Evil Jimmy and Evil Cindy in the same room e_e (I suppose it would happen from what i read) Oh, and their powers are freaking great! Oh and April appearing :D Proxians will kill everyone in the earth except for our little (or not so little) team right?! RIGHT?! GREAT and then traveling to the past to change this! I suppose this is happening xD stupid spoiler... I'm weak! _ UPDATE! T_T
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 2 . 11/24/2012
This was just so lovable.

Keep the good writing.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 3 . 11/24/2012
Again, pretty cool work in these chapters.

Keep the good writing.
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 4 . 11/24/2012
Great job in the description and action scenes.

Keep the good writing.
Great Gasping Geniuses chapter 1 . 4/4/2012



Greatest Strength: His Genius.

Greatest Weakness: His Arrogance."


I LOVE ALL OF THE CHARACTERS/Bio.s! ...The villains are PERFECTLY vicious!

...Is the "Good Doctor," and "The Noble Princess," gonna be a pairing...?... ...Because that would be awesome! They BOTH seem equally/evenly/amazingly EVIL! GREAT JOB!

Keep it up!
AllieLongbottom chapter 4 . 1/8/2012
I really liked it. I enjoy that your making a complex backstory for Eddie. It gives him much more character motivation and makes him seem like a more powerful threat as a villain. I eargerly await the next chapter!
AllieLongbottom chapter 3 . 1/8/2012
Yay! More adorableness!

I loved Jimmy and Cindy's banter. Though I may be biased. :)

And Sheen and Libby are just so sweet! Great job writing them in, it felt very in character!
AllieLongbottom chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
Awww! Adorableness!

I freaking love Jimmy/Cindy stuff. It is SAD. :)

On to the next chapter! But probably after I eat... :P
Cinnamon Ninja chapter 4 . 12/26/2011
THIS. IS. AWESOME. And no less than I expected, might I add. :D

There were a few small grammatical stuffups and typos in the beginning, but overall it was hugely engaging, and you really got inside Eddie's head amazingly. That last paragraph, especially, was Incredible. You definitely captured his situation and personality. And it meant that he actually HAD a personality beyond 'annoying child with Brooklyn accent'. XD

One suggestion, though - I would break up the paragraphs more, so they're not so intimidating. The last paragraph was by far the best in terms of writing, but it would be much better broken up into a few smaller paragraphs. It makes it easier to read, and it means that it's harder to get lost when going down a line. :)

Overall, an awesome oneshot, as always! I can't wait for the next one! :D
jcforever19 chapter 3 . 11/29/2011
I love this one the most, it's adorable! I love how they're fighting over lavender vs. pink tablecloths lol. That's so typically JxC! Great job on it, you should write more one shots!
Cinnamon Ninja chapter 3 . 10/28/2011
Cute, as always! The QOF approves. :3 I really liked how you wrote the arguments between Cindy and Jimmy, they seemed very in character. Libby, too was very IC. Sheen...well, he was a bit more mature than expected, but then, this IS an important day for him. So, yes, he was IC too. And the waiter made me laugh. :D Nice work!
jcfreak4ever chapter 3 . 10/18/2011
Another awesome oneshot! Classic J/C with the arguing! haha Nice touch with Jimmy "accidentally" dumping her iced tea on her lap(last I heard, iced tea wasn't alcoholic, so who actually had the alcoholic drink?)! Man, Sheen was so sweet when proposing to Libby, and also nice touch with the mentioning of UltraLord! haha Classic! Nice work! Keep it up!
buddygirl1004 chapter 3 . 10/18/2011
AWWWW HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA great chapter! This was so cute! Lol.

Update soon!
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